You're probably right, took an extremely lazy approach by skimming less than 15% of the "posts". No sarcasm, just 1st time doing "this". I apologize, especially NOW, that I've read more of the posts in this forum <-(I guess).
I appreciate the welcome, sincerely, & will try not to come across as "stupid", not for my sake, not much of an ego, & admittedly immature for my age. Only to be, I guess, more welcome. Just so you know, once again, NOT being sarcastic!
Also Yes, I am new to this. 1st time "poster", "blogger", whatever it's called. Never had a facebook, myspace, any of that fun stuff. The girl with the abusive boyfriend caught my eye on GOOGLE, & I felt compelled to sign up, and respond.
My responce to that was more indicative of who I am; since the words we use make up only 30% of "communication", the other 70% being tone in voice, body language, facial expressions, ect. Things we OBVIOUSLY can't express through text alone, I don't do well with sarcasm in text form at times, and assumed people were asking sincere questions only on this website. Yikes!
I hope you understand, and that you read my initial responce to the abused girl, I believe the topic was titled, "Am I in an abusive relationship?"
Also, once again, not being sarcastic! (3rd times a charm). Hope to hear from you again, and I'll leave you with 1 of my favorite qoutes, "The single biggest problem in communication, is the llusion that it has taken place" -George Bernard (I believe), <-could be wrong. Have been b4, & will be again; I gaurantee it. Take care glitterbag! thx 4 not being too mean