Mon 28 Apr, 2014 07:17 am
Here the basics: Group 1 is the control group, they are given a specific website to use. Group 2 is the experimental group, they are given a similar website, with adjusted hypertext properties.
After they complete the required actions, they are asked to complete a survey, (Likert Scale) which attempts to measure their feeling on the security and convenience of the website.
This is the condensed version of the question. Just want to check.
The IV: Hypertext The DV: Security and Convenience (Measured through Likert Scale)
But which statistical tests in SPSS can I use to indicate a significant difference in the control and experimental group? And added advice would also be great.
New to stats, so any help would be appreciated.
Your data appears to be
ordinal which implies a non-parametric test such as the Mann-Whitney U-test, rather than its parametric equivalent, the t-test.
Google will give you references and demonstrations.