@Romeo Fabulini,
Romeo Fabulini wrote:
I think the aliens knew I'm a wargame champ, so they extracted my DNA to create a race of "Romeo Warrior Clones" to conquer the galaxy for them..

For example I woke up in my tent the morning after the Spalding Incident and noticed a big bruise on my shinbone; it wasn't a bit painful to the touch and faded out over the next week or two.
Why would aliens choose the chump who lost the most games on that table of yours?
If you were abducted by aliens they were probably looking for something that could be experimented on without bothering with ethical considerations. Either that or they were looking for gullible slave workers who would believe any old bullshit.
You're going to get a bruise on your knee if you spend all night kneeling on the tiled floor of a public bog sucking off a succession of long distance lorry drivers.
You need to ask yourself why you tried to blank this out, and blame your confused sexuality on something as preposterous as alien abduction.