I seldom mesh smoothly with Finn, but I agree with the possibility of depression. It's not as unusual as you might think. Many people deal with minor depression that will surface as you described. I realize many folks still stigmatize depression, but ask your doctor for an opinion or a referral. The right medication can do wonders. The medication doesn't make you happy all the time, but it will correct the imbalance so you will experience normal emotion. I'm certainly not a doctor, but I can always tell when family members go off their meds. Depression is much easier to treat than bi-polar disorder. I don't want to imply my family gets crazed when they don't use the meds, they just tend to become irritable. We all know its nuts not to treat diabetes, well get treatment for the depression or at least talk to the doctor. Men seem to find it much more difficult to talk to a doctor about 'feelings', please don't let that stop you. A thorough exam with blood work will rule out thyroid or rule it in, don't lose sight of the possibility that it could be something other than depression. Just get checked out. Good Luck