It's the bean stew we make when there's leftover meat. Beef, pork, lamb, whatever's on hand.
Venison makes excellent chili. My next chili project might be to source out some Elk stewing meat.
Hey Cav, you simply need to ask a Bloodbrother. Here's a site where you can buy elk, bison, and other specialty meats.
That's pretty cool cjhsa. I will continue with my Canadian supplier however, to save a few $$$.
Hmm, msolga, Penzey's might ship to Austrailia... it sure worth even getting their catalog for interest's sake.
I'd like to hear about cooking times, re the chuck chunks... etc., Cav and farmer. I know we've talked about all this before, but I forget...
1 1/2 to 2 hours on a slow simmer, osso. That usually works. Or up to 4 hours on a really slow simmer, or in a really slack oven.
Much as I thought, with the slow simmer. Good... it sounds good. For some reason I haven't made chili in a while, going off in the porchetta/ossobuco direction when I get a meat cooking urge..
I have a really good vegetarian chili recipe a final flourish, you add
a handful of cashew nuts to the simmering pot.
Skyline Cincinnata chili ...yum
panzade wrote:Skyline Cincinnata chili ...yum
I'm not sure if this is authentic Skyline Cincinnati chili, but I thought the recipe might interest folks (looked good to me).
For those who don't know Penzey's spices..
it seems you can view the catalog online.
Yeah, sort of. It looked good.
cav, do you taste things in your mind before you make them ? Is it a bad thing to do? or does it affect the outcome?
Actually, I do taste things in my mind before I make them, farmerman. Even reading a recipe, I can seperate the concept from the printed word. If I ever do follow a recipe, I 'tweak' it, and kinda know how to before I begin.
cavfancier wrote:Yeah, sort of. It looked good.
I was just riffing, cav, know it wasn't a mole...
I can't even think of the word 'mole', accented or not, without remembering 'Goldmember', and the Fred Savage character.
But me, I dun no about them...
I just know a restaurant opened for a while in Santa Monica... thinking thinking, what was its name... long, let's say 14 letters starting with t..
and they had twelve kinds of moles. It was annexed to the carwash on Lincoln Blvd. Not a winning site, but not a deathknell food site either.
Ah, well, I am outta there now, looking at cindy's kitchen, or whatever..
Cav-Thanks for the link. Looks good to me too. The beef is boiled in water so it looks authentic. First time I tried it I almost hurled. Now I can't get enough of this stuff.