This looks like one big messed up case.
First of all consider the cost of hospitalization of this child, who's spent at least one year in a Massachusetts Hospital. At a cost of $1000+/day, the cost to the taxpayers of Massachusetts is at LEAST $365,000 and most likely even more.
Next, is the patient a resident of Massachusetts of Cont? if the latter, why isn't she being rteated in Conn?
If the child has a mitochondrial disease, medical and scientific data can and should be presented to support the hospital's case.
As far as mental issues are concerned, these disorders could easily be considered as by-products of her pre-existing mitochondrial disease.
Treatment at Tuft's NE Medical center? I know they have the Floating Hospital for Infants, by do they really treat pediatric patients older than 10-12 year of age, there?
As of this writing, the child is now in foster care in Massachusetts.
Think of all of the above, when you're filling out your 2013 tax forms for Massachusetts this year.
The hospitals are getting rich and the patient just idles
