I respect your opinion and understand completely what your saying, only problem is that "the wolf" did not destroy over 15% of the planet in a mere 100 years, we humans did! from Fukushima and other nuclear disasters to carbon emissions and ocean acidification of today, we need to be worried! did you know that shell fish farmers on the west coast can no longer grow their product in open ocean water? they have had to resort to a controlled environment or indoor cultivation as a result of changing ocean chemistry. Carbon emissions have if anything increased the rate of global warming, we are now melting permafrost in Siberia that is over 200 thousand years old, so what do we do? in newly accessible artic ocean water we prospect for more of the very substance responsible for the problem in the first place! in the late 1800's atmosphere Co2 levels were roughly at about 200/220 ppm, now we are at 400 ppm, in 100 years industrialised nations of the world are responsible for doubling C02 levels, and now all of Asia and the middle east from China to Pakistan want what we have, they all want industry and they all want cars to get to these new jobs, they dwarf the industrialised nations responsible for current environmental conditions 10 to 1. and they are doing this in a fraction of the time it took us! Our environment is changing at an alarming rate, weather is but one indication of this change, we have been breaking records every year for the past 10 to 15 years, did you know that last year we seen the worst hurricane ever recorded, and if that's not enough we also had the largest or most destructive tornado ever recorded in the same year! frequency and severity of weather phenomena are defiantly on the rise, our biosphere is failing and it doesn't take a physicist or environmental scientist to point these things out! Monarch butterflies will likely be on the endangered species list next year! Bee populations globally have decreased by an alarming 40%, ocean acidification is destroying crustacean or arthropods as of the past 3 years, and not just in a few sporadic regions but globally! biologists just last year have been trying to warn the world that we have a serious problem, or maybe they are just worried about job security and are trying to insure their study grants! I have only named a few of the problems we face in todays day in age, there are many more things that point to what is happening, don't get me wrong, I'm not an alarmist or a doomsdayer, I'm just an observer with a curiosity of what others might think.