First, i'll just point out the hilarity i experienced when i saw that Gunga Dim was using aa a source, a web site called Collective Evolution. Oh, the irony . . .
In reading the linked article, i found some whoppers. Here's one which tickled my funny bone:
Quote:To further support the idea that this pyramid could have been built by different civilizations, archeologists [sic]from the Portuguese Association of Archaeological Research have recently discovered evidence on Pico island that suggests their belief that humans existed in the Azores region before the arrival of the Portuguese thousands of years ago.
Thousands of years ago? The earliest records in Europe of a knowledge of the islands date to the 14th century. Settlement by the Portuguese did not take place until the 15th century. The official version in Portugal is that the islands were discovered by Cabral in 1431. That hardly constitutes "thousands of year ago." At the least, that's sloppy writing (does the author mean that the Portuguese arrived thousands of years ago, or that humans lived there thousands of years before the Portuguese arrived? Certainly, there was no one living there when Cabral arrived.)--at the worst, it's crapola made up from whole cloth.
Here's another gem:
Quote:An interesting place to have a pyramid given the energetic qualities often associated with pyramids.
Them damned pyramids are just latent powerhouses!
Finally, there's this:
Quote:He believes that there may be a discovery of 2 more pyramids in the area as images suggest there could be a design link to that of the pyramids built in Egypt.
He? He who? More sloppy writing. Why would a putative link to the pyramids built in Egypt suggest that two more pyramids will be found? This is hilarious stuff. Especially the claim in the title of the article to the effect that this "discovery" has the Portuguese navy exploring links to Atlantis.