That's my very point. Her prayers brought about a resolution. " Not her will but thine".
Perhaps it helped her suffering psychologically, but the resolution, whether for good or ill would have come about anyways.
How misguided it is for Christians to imagine that their God can affect an outcome when an outcome (resolution of the conflict) will come about anyways.
For instance, "Let pray for peace" one will say. So all good Diests will pray for peace.
Eventually peace will come so their prayers will have been answered.
The possible outcomes are.
Both parties to the conflict exaust themselves and are no longer capable of making war. (IranvsIraq) Peace has come. Prayers answered
One party overpowers the other and destroys the opposing government.WWII. Peace has come, Prayers answered
One party simply kills all opponents, genocide. Canann, and Sudan today.Prayers have not yet been answered completely but Allah, Jehovah, and the Wood Spirits, are trying very hard for peace
The person who is praying dies. He knows the "peace of the grave" Prayer answered
Now here is the stinker "IMO"
Pay me a salary, let me raise your children, comfort the sick, and control your government and I will show you how to pray. No, I don't guarantee results. It's in Gods hands now. Whatever He does you may be assured that it will be the best outcome. Who can claim to understand Gods reasons. Resolution is assured
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