I also have found an alcohol induced alternative reality a pleasant experience.
But my witty, urbane, handsome, youthful self disappeared as soon as I had to shave! In this particular case the mirror is a satisfactory "reality check". I believe that this is real, despite having been filtered through my imperfect senses. At least it is in accordance with observation.
By using the "idea" of a God to judge human behavior we are often led astray. Need examples

I thought not
By using the "idea" of a God, society is often prevented from choosing the most appropriate course of action when different communities goals fail to coincide. Need examples

I thought not
By using the "idea" that there may exist a God we attempt to utilize the most destructive divisive idea that humans have ever come up with. IMO natch. The idea has not been shown to be exclusively used by charitable persons. Need examples
A reality check--- Does a world view which includes God square with observations
I thought not