Thesis of the thread:
Quote:Why don't they approach me any more? Since reaching my 30s or so (and I have always looked young for my age), they do not speak with me any more. Why do you think that is?
I can find the source for this if I look, but for now please take this as my memory from a recent workshop series I attended:
The late "Boomers" (born 1946 to 1964) were the first generation to not return to the Church. (As the USA was predominently Christian up to the 80's or 90's, the focus of the workshop was on Christianity though probably a study of other some other faiths could show similar trends).
The chldren of the late Boomers, the "Generation Xers", are the first generation to have no Christian memory and it is largely these who are today's agnostics and athiests. (I'm speaking of sociological trends now, not attempting to put any specific individual or individuals into a pat formula.)
I think it is probably this trend that has resulted in there being fewer young missionary minded Christians witnessing on college campuses, in the work place whatever. This is not unprecedented in history, however.
Encouraging to the Christians and perhaps much less so to the athiests, every time in the past this has happened, there have been huge revival movements with tent meetings and baptisms galore. Just so ya'll know what's coming.
I'm kidding. I'm kidding!