Wed 25 Dec, 2002 09:42 am
If in the happy event you won $280 million what would you do? How would your life change?
Eep. I'd pay off the house and do all of the renovations we've been putting off. I'd toss half of the $$ into investments for the future. I'd also set up a college fund for our nephew.
Sorry, this is as hog-wild as I get.
Hmm.. Well, I suppose the first thing I'd do is pay off every bill I have. After that I'd prolly pay off bills for all of my family and set aside a chunk for my daughter.
Then I'd probably start looking for things to do with it that fit in with my beliefs. I saw a wonderful news clip this morning of a manager at an IHOP that took all her tips from the year and spent the money to buy turkeys and things to open the resturant to the homeless today. I think an donation of $10K a year to allow her to continue that annually would be nice (maybe even on a few other days of the year as well..). I'd spread a little of it around to various charities (Some of the Diabities research groups since it afflicts my own daughter, etc..) and maybe create a scholarship program or two to help some kids get through college that otherwise might not have that opportunity.
Maybe they should just give it to me since I'm such a nice person! No need for a drawing and all that sillyness! lol
Let's see ....... $280 mil., my entire family wouldn't have a thing to worry about, evah!
I would invest in a combination nursing home/orphanage. The elderly would have children to love, and the children would all have loving grandparents!
That's my dream!
I would buy a villa on the French Riviera and disappear.
I am not sure I would except the money. Unless you are highly organized, disciplined and have a solid family communications skills, I believe it could do more harm than good to the members of you and your extended family.
If I accepted the money, it would be moved into several funding groups. To which, members of the community must apply in order to be considered for a grant.
1. Education. Individuals could apply for support based on several factors; one being the willingness of the individual to maintain a certain grade point average. Family members would have the same option as citizens.
2. Groups. Groups could apply for support based on several factors. Groups lead by family members would have the same option as citizens.
You can just give it to me, Mapleleaf
After paying off all the bills, buy the car I go all dreamy eyed at, build a house that Id get lost in, on a farm overlooking the sea, go and tell my parents (who are seperated) and my siblings that they dont have any financial commitments - I just paid them all, unconditionally.
Oh, and Id go to a financial advisor.
Oh boy!!! This is my favorite question of all times. I would retire of course which would give me all the time in the world to do the things I love most in life which is doing my crafts. I'd have a few beautiful houses scattered in beautiful spots along the ocean. I'd sey my family up for life. I take sewing classes, ceramic classes, quilting classes, cooking classes, etc... I'd donate tons of food yearly to animal shelters and to the poor. I'd have a barn built out back and get a few horses since we already have plenty of land. I'd also build a guest house back there and have someone live there rent free just to take care of the horses. I'd buy the land next door and build a big beautiful log cabin home with an indoor pool, huge craft room, huge kitchen, bathrooms off every bedroom, library, gym, sauna, steam room, game room, electric fireplaces in every room, etc... And of course I'd have a housekeeper come in a few times a week and a cute pool guy to come in and maintain my pool ;-)
Would anyone adopt me and share?
You can't win if you don't play, and I haven't played yet.
There is that little voice inside me that keeps telling me I could be that one in I forget just how many million that could win the jackpot.
Let's say I decide to take a gamble, and buy a ticket. Which do you think is better, letting the computer choose my numbers, or choosing myself?
I'm not gonna talk about what I'd do with the money if I won, because then I'd be getting my hopes up for nothing. I will tell you what I'm going to do with the money if I do win though.
But first, I've got to talk myself into buying a ticket.
Sure, I'll adopt you. Do you know anything about horses? LOL
I dont buy lottery or scratch tickets, I loose so badly at them that I figure one day they're gonna start charging me more. I think I won like 40.00 once...boy..shouldda spread that one out for a while.
If I actually did play, and actually did win something of such a considerable nature...
First Id hire a lawyer, then Id hire an accountant, definate first priorities.
Then Id pay off my bills, my parents/grandmothers bills, and send my godkids to whatever college they wish. Id probably buy a home as well. Id also give to those charities which already get little bits of funds from me, and set up a scholarship fund for the college I attended. Oh yeah, Id put a great deal of it away for the future as well.
gezzy - I love horses - just'n they make me sneeze a lot. I used to ride bareback with no halter or bridle, back when I was younger and before'n I got ran through a couple trees.
LOL husker
That's so funny. You'd fit right in here with that sense of humor and you can help me out with the horses. Don't worry, I'd make sure you were all set up with a saddle and everything, so you can actually guide the horses away from the trees
Let's see. Off the top of my head I'd set up the family, make sure everyone is taken care of, donate alot of it, set up scholarships, become a full-fledge philanthropist because that would just feel so good, buy property to keep income flowing, try designing and selling a line of women's wear because that was my first love and obtaining that dream would bring me full circle, renovate my home, obtain a little house on the water somewhere to run away to.
The guy who won is already a millionaire. Ain't that a kick in the head?
I can't believe that guy isn't going to retire! But at least he's hiring back all the people he laid off!
I only saw his picture on tv, but didn't hear anything else. You mean this guy is going to continue to work. Oh man, that's just not right, lol.
Well, he owns a contracting company so he's working for himself, which most of us would probably do if we were in that position, start some kind of business to keep ourselves occupied, but what gets me is he's already a millionaire. A self-made millionaire. Impressive. But geez. As a millionaire, why was he buying lottery tickets in the first place???
Yeah!!! He has some nerve!!! LOL