Olivier5 wrote:
My point is:
How on Earth could you possibly KNOW that it makes any sense, philosophically, to treat the word "know" differently on a philosophic forum and in "real life"?
Thank you.
MY point, in contrast, is that you are obsessed with this, Olivier.
I treat the word "know" differently in casual, everyday conversation than I do when discussing in a philosophy forum on the Internet.
I have given several examples of those differences.
Whether it "makes any sense or not" to you...does not interest me at all. I have never said it makes sense to ME...which, by the way, is an example of me treating the word "know" differently here...so gotta wonder why are you using that form of question?
Seems to me that you simply are so hung up and strung out on negating anything I say...that you will not acknowledge that. (In casual, real life, I might have included the word "know" in there somewhere, but I don't treat the word "know" the same way here in the forums.)
I am not going to jump through hoops for you, Olivier, no matter how many avenues you travel toward that end. You will have to deal with your obsession some other way.
I can assure you with absolute certainty that I DO INDEED treat the word "know" differently and more casually when engaging in everyday conversation...than when I am in a thread here in the philosophy forum.
I suspect most people do.
Jeez! You Frenchies are sure stubborn.