fresco wrote:kitchenpete,
No U-turn implied ! I also agree with Heliotrope. I was merely trying to draw him out, and save myself the job of possible repetition from other threads.
I apologise if you find some of this obscure. Perhaps try this commentary on Maturana (one of the contributors to structural dynamics) which highlights some of the difficulties in exposition.
I'd be interested to know what you think. (JLN too)
Fresco, thanks for offering links and an apology. I was becoming frustrated that my eagerness to understand this (I'm not being ironic) was being thwarted by a discussion based in a language I do not understand. It is one thing to understand another language and have to look up some words to get their precise meaning, quite another to understand without the building blocks.
I will have to read more before I can contribute to the substance of this debate, which, as I understand it relates to the merits of "dualism" vs. "non-dualism".
When I first posted on this thread, I had no idea that this was the debate - I thought

that it was a discussion of whether "Reality" can "be" outside our own "Existence". I initially answered in terms to which I have not received a contradiction: that there is a physical/energetic reality which existed quite independently of my own being.
Without a signpost to the actual subject matter of the debate, I found myself very confused. I look forward to reading from the links offered in this thread and contributing, when I have an understanding capable of entering the actual debate. As indicated earlier, I have a sense that I will understand the "non-dualist" perspective, as a result of previous scientific studies.
JLNobody wrote:Craven, I'm surprised and not a little disappointed by your attack on Twyvel (and Fresco and me?). As far as I'm concerned, Twyvel's ideas are difficult (because they are exotic), but his words are free of jargon. I never have to look up a term. I just have to re-read his phrases to extract his meaning. Again, it's rarely because of his writing; it's because of the ideas. Eventually I do understand them and then realize the essential clarity of his expression. Fresco does present his ideas and information in rather sketchy form. It would involve a tremendous amount of time and effort for him to talk down to us--to educate us from scratch--so that we may conveniently grasp all his points. But he does give us many links so that we may catch up with the materials he presents. If we choose not to read all those links it's our problem not his. If anyone is vague it tends to be me. I try to write and edit my expressions so that they are clear to me. I do use "technical" language from the mystical literature, i.e., Atman and Brahman. I would not present such writings to a publisher for review. Nevertheless, it's the best I can do under the circumstances of the forum.
Kitchenpete has degrees in the social sciences yet considers my use of the term. paradigm and/or inter-paradigmatic, to be (I forget his phrase) obscure and jargonistic. If anyone should understand the terms it would be a student of the social sciences.
My God, if you were to try to explain to me how you do programming you would have to start from scratch. I am totally ignorant in the technical language--notice I did not say jargon. There would be no way, I suspect, for you to "translate" the technical language into convenient everyday speech. I just hope that Joe and Pete will someday cease to act like the ignorant yahoos that I know they are not.
JLN, I do hope that you believe my (genuine) claims of lack of understanding are appropriate to certain terms. Paradigm I understand, thankyou.
I was trying to understand the paradigm, which you appear to share with fresco and twyfel (I have not had time to read twyfel's long posts, yet).
I am entirely in agreement with Craven that the attitude of certain postings seems to be highly patronising. I am beginning to understand that, in the case of fresco, I was being unfair. Your attitude toward me in the last two paragraphs, quoted above, has the effect of belittling my attempts to understand. I should be grateful of your source of the impression that I have behaved like a yahoo, so that I can take it as constructive criticism for future reference. Please supply (pm me if you wish).
One of my very good friends from university received the highest degree in philosophy. I do not share his experience but, in his opinion, most arguments in philosophy arise from a disagreement over the definition of the terms in which the question/statement for scrutiny is phrased.
I fear that I fell into this trap, taking an everyday view of a subject on which the other participants have a particular perspective and, therefore, definitions of terms which are entirely normal within the paradigm but uncommon/unknown outside it.
I'm pleased to be involved in this thread - unlike many threads, I think I may learn from this one. My disappointment has been that I was unable to participate without reading, independenty, from a variety of sources.
It is like wanting to take part in a game of football, only to find that a comprehensive knowledge of rules and plays is required before I can set foot on the pitch, and having no coach/captain to explain that the objective is to get the ball in the end zone.
I still hold that the (now much discussed) "believing is seeing" attitude is similar to a fundamentalist "faith" approach, which is in keeping neither with much of the post-enlightenment thought nor the tradition of putting hypotheses through empirical testing (however flawed or dependent on analogous behaviour), with which I am more familiar.
I like to learn. I mentioned my degree with some reluctance, as I try not to be arrogant, in an attempt to demonstrate that I can be taught, if the teaching is in any way comprehensible, and I have some of the building blocks. I do not accept doctrine, however exalted the origin, nor do I like being treated as a child.
If this post prompts a re-definition of the original debate, I should be ecstatic. I will settle for an end to hostile posts. Maybe that's too much to ask!
If we want to get into more meta-debate, here's a place we can do it:
Talking past each other!
Edited to make my appreciation of the thread clearer.