Sat 17 Apr, 2004 10:09 am
My bf drives one of these crappy cars and it's time for it to go!!!! Any one wanna take it off my the way, what does one of these cars sell for? The body is mint but the seats need a little work.(ok, alot of work) Seems to me he's asking to much!
WOW! A Ford Falcon! We had one when I was 13. It must be worth a small fortune in the collectors market. Although there were a lot produced.
Do you want it? Do you want it? LOL
No, I'm not a gear head. I once rebuilt a '63 Ford truck motor and it ran for another 2,000 miles and blew up.
I used to have a 63 Falcon (named "Pearl"), but it gave up the ghost a long time ago. A fun car to drive!
How much do you want for it? Is it driveable?
Yes it's drivable, it runs good. What's you're offer?
Ford Falcons
I'd have to see it first and check it out. I don't know where you are. I'm in Tennessee. If you want, you can send more particulars about the car to the following:
[email protected]
e-mail some photos of the car if you are able. Hope to hear from you soon.
I'll take that car.
Bring it over to the swamp. I can't pay you for it, but I'll make you a roast beef sandwich.
Re: Ford Falcons
schnitger wrote:I'd have to see it first and check it out. I don't know where you are. I'm in Tennessee. If you want, you can send more particulars about the car to the following:
[email protected]
e-mail some photos of the car if you are able. Hope to hear from you soon.
Are you serious?....I'm from Canada, so it'd be a long old haul for the car, but I can post some pics anyway. It'll be about a week till I get some pics.
Ummm.. Hey a pessimism! A 1962 Ford Falcon in decent condition could easily fetch $3,000 or better on E-bay. There are several '63s on there right now running over $5,000 (US). There is a '63 in "mint" condition on there running over $8,000.
Don't be so hasty.
Ford Falcon
Canada?? I had no idea. Forget I asked. I'll just keep my eyes open for something near here. Good luck selling the Falcon!
Is it a Maltese Falcon?
Whew......I crack myself up.
about the Falcon
Very kool car my pops gave me one as my first car,My girlfriend loved the car and one kool thing is that it has a great big back seat... and oh yeah the thing is worth around 2-4 thousand. good luck with it.

LOL...the back seat....ohh the memor.....yeah, no. Anyway, he said he found someone to buy it, he's getting $1500 for it. We, I mean I just want it gone!!!
Coolness is driving a car that says 'I'm too cool to be worried about coolness.'
I drive a bright-green AMC Gremlin. Does that qualify?
Cool, bright green!!! I'm painting my vw van lime green this summer, rock on!!!
Yeeeeehhhhh!!!! The ugly Ford Falcon is sold!!!! We didn't get quite what we asked for it, but I sure got what I wanted, bye bye Falcon.