And a little more:
There are currently no contests available (due to inclement weather and recent outbreak of rabid woodchucks). Sorry -- you're still a winner in our eyes.
In fact, we all can be winners if we put our minds to it. A little bit of money and dumb luck doesn't hurt either. Most woodchucks would be winners if they could chuck wood -- which we're still not sure if they can. How the heck do you "chuck" wood anyway? The World English Dictionary defines chuck as "to throw something, especially in a careless or casual way." We always thought it had something to do with their teeth -- they are pretty small to be throwing anything. Plus, most of the woodchucks we've met have not been very casual about anything. In fact, when one of us said that we wanted to see other people, what we saw was a whole lot of teeth!
We found some statistics about the chucking, but nary did they say what it was the woodchucks were actually doing with the wood. There was a good treatise on the subject from some of our friends in Virginia about "The Social Ramifications of Woodchucks Chucking Wood." They talk about the difficulty in finding out what chucking is, but decide to use the definition "to have done with." To this we ask, how can you really be sure when a woodchuck is totally done with a piece of wood? Wouldn't you have to ask the woodchuck? And what if they decide to lie? Can a woodchuck be trusted? We will soon be giving the woodchucks a battery of psychological tests to determine this. Til then, happy listening. And to our woodchuck friends, "GLEEEEE KREEE WIGIWIGI GLERP!"