Fri 16 Apr, 2004 05:40 pm
It's churning now, so the bets are, 10 minutes, 15 minutes, 20 minutes, or 25 minutes. If you are correct, you win nothing, but at least you had the fun of participating.
I wanna say 23, but i'll go with 25!!
green apple sorbet. Sounds like something I could enjoy. Topped withh a sweet ricotta whup. Something lighter than a cannoli but heavier than whup cream.
Im gonna say 21.5 minutes. Aw hell, you can say anything its after 8 here
so, is it done yet? Is it yummy?
I'll let you know...we have broken the 15 minute mark though. It shall be served in martini glasses as a palate cleanser, topped with some orange rind candied in grenadine. I will call it "apples and oranges."
see, thats why youre the chef and im just a rocknocker. The imagined taste of the candied orange together with the sour sorbet is something Id travel for.
Hows it doing?
23.5 minutes, to get slushy enough to put in the freezer. My ice cream machine sucks, even though it's electric. Secret apple sorbet should be green. However, the juice oxidizes very fast. Mix the sugar syrup and other flavourings together first, and have it well chilled. Juice the green apples, skin on, and immediately stir it into the assembled mix, and then right into the ice cream maker. Wait too long, you get brown sorbet.
if you mix in some ascorbic acid, would that prevent the browning without messing up the flavor?
I'm a purist, farmerman. There is much thrill for me in doing things without 'outside help' so to speak, re, the ascorbic acid.
So, listen, Cav, when you come to San Francisco one year or the other, we can argue then about your owing me a sorbet in place.
We missed you at the SF meeting. I have a friend who was talking about having you chef at her and hub's house, but that was just as you were getting sick, and, frankly, she is always going hither and thither on travels, and I had qualms myself about the organization involved. But it could happen if there was another SF meet. Maybe between us/them, we could pump for a meal. Doh, I dunno, that might take up all the energy... but, if you were there, and they were there, they might do it.
Me, I am thinking thinking the next SF meet is up in Marin, say near pt. reyes, and some of us rent a whole place. And some of us cook with no import to it but fun. And that if these friends of mine are still there... maybe you are doing that. Might not be the next meeting, might be the one after that...
I never pm'd you about it this last year since that was about when you disappeared in illness.
so was it done in 23.5 minutes then?(just to clarify)
stand up for pessimism wrote:so was it done in 23.5 minutes then?(just to clarify)
Yep, and the freezer did the rest of the work. It's a nice texture this A.M.
osso, sure, keep me informed, and if money allows, I'll see if I can down there next time.
I don't care HOW long it took. How does it TASTE?!?!?
Cav, a little dollop of Dulce de Leche on top and you have a Halloween treat.
I question your selection of holidays. This would be a Barbeque dessert, and we celebrate BBQ day every sunday in summer.
It was very tasty. I'll have pics of the dinner sometime next week.
Man...that friggin sorbet is so good, I've been chomping it down like wildfire. Enough is enough...I need the container, so I gave half of what was left to the folks, and plan to finish the rest tonight. Mrs. cav hates green apple, and even she thought it was awesome.
Pics of the sorbet are in the gallery now, as well as many food shots from the same dinner.