There was a movie or tv show I watched somewhere around 2008 to 2011. It could have been made from 1990 up to 2008 or so. The scene I remember seemed to be in spaceship or a underground tunnel. There was a lot of really good looking women it, in fact I don't remember a lot men in this movie. I didn't recognize anybody in it. They were dressed in black and gray futuristic looking uniforms. The crazy thing about this movie was all the women smoked cigarettes. I don't know if was just one scene or if it went on the whole movie. I been told about 3 movies were the people in the movie had to smoke. Millenium, Screamers and The invaders 1995 tv movie. I know it wasn't millennium or screamers. I haven't seen The Invaders. Its been awhile since I saw this mystery movie. So I might not have my facts right. I Hope someone knows this movie. If you think you have a idea about what the name of this movie is let me known. Thanks in advance.