Wed 11 Dec, 2013 03:26 pm
My mom doesn't let me have any kind of M-rated game just because it's rated M. She doesn't look into it and just says "If it is rated something above T you can't have it until your 18." I can't get a job because I'm 13 and my mom gives me 10 dollars every year (excluding the money I occasionally snatch from a bucket we've been saving for an emergency or vacation). I can get the game on sale for only 15 dollars at Best-Buy, but any M-rated game my mom instantly thinks it has blood, gore, sex, drugs, etc. I just want to know if she is being biased or actually protecting me from something. I don't mind blood at all, and what I'm really aiming for is Skyrim. The opening isn't bad at all, especially since I saw worse in my history textbook. I have read every book in The Hunger Games series from the original to Divergent and saw both Catching Fire and The Hunger Games in Imax.
Keep taking from that bucket, and show just how trustworthy and responsible you are to your mother.
Maybe she's being biased with good reason -- there
is a reason games are rated.
I've allowed my son to play some M rated games. I do quite a bit of research before deciding to give the okay or not. One site I find useful is: Kids and teens rate the games and write reviews so I get good insight on HOW they're playing and what they're getting out of it. Here are the kid reviews for Skyrim:
Taking money from the family emergency fund is a terrible thing to do. Jespah's right -- you really haven't proven yourself to be mature enough for M games.
Even if you were to steal enough money to buy the game you'd still have to have an adult make the actual purchase since stores will not sell the games to minors. If I were your parent and caught you with a game I said "no" to you'd lose your console for a good long time.