Quote:Neologist said: Romeo would have you spend a few cents for a portion of the Bible, which, although true, does not explain the whole story. The entire Bible is necessary in order to bring into focus apparent contradictions and fully understand man's condition and God's purpose.
BTW, a free copy of the entire Bible may be obtained at JW dot Org
You want a fight again mate? Ok you got one..

Answer these if you can-
1- Who saves, Jesus or the Old T?
2- If the Old T is all we need, why did God send Jesus to give us the New T?
3- You Jehovah's Witnesses re-wrote the Bible and call it The New World Translation, so wasn't the standard bible good enough for you?
4- JW's let their kids die without blood transfusions, they think Jesus was crucified on a pole, they think church spires are pagan, they refuse to salute the national flag, and they refuse to celebrate christmas, easter and birthdays.
Where did Jesus say to do all that?
5- Despite being over 70 years of age and being a JW for most of your life, you still seem unsure of your beliefs as these posts of yours in various threads show-
"I'm no genius..One of my main reasons for posting here is to sharpen my understanding" (21 Sep 013)
"When I'm wrong, I fess up to it" (21 Sep 013)
"I can say truly that JWs are most certainly not perfect" (18 Aug 2006)
"I'm not aiming for the "pearlies" (23 Sep 013)
"I would refuse a blood transfusion for myself or any of my dependents" (Aug 16 2006)
"I am in essential agreement with these lyrics:- Imagine there's no heaven, It's easy if you try,No hell below us, Above us only sky" (31 Oct 2013)