@Romeo Fabulini,
Romeo Fabulini wrote:
Quote:Frank Apisa said: You have understood the question right from the beginning. It is a tough question for people like you

Look mate, when somebody asked Isaac Asimov "what would happen if an iresistible force met an immoveable object?", Asimov replied "The question makes no sense and therefore requires no answer".
Likewise, your question "Is God important?" makes no sense, which is why I patiently invited you to re-phrase it and flesh it out a bit.
Alternatively go sit in a sunday school class and ask the kids to try to answer it for you..
When you are losing the debate, the thing to do is to post pictures suggesting that your opponent is losing the debate...
...which, of course, is what you are doing.
You suggested that the OT (with its god) was not necessary for Christianity. You even quoted Paul suggesting that the god of the OT was not as important as Jesus...despite the fact that Jesus never even came close to intimating that.
I have asked you if the god Jesus worshiped is important. (There was no New Testament at that time, the god Jesus worshiped was completely the product of Hebrew scripture which at some point became the Old Testament)
You've batted this around long enough...and the clown act is tiresome. You cannot deal reasonably with this issue, and rather than simply acknowledging that, you continue the clown act.
The question makes plenty of sense...and you apparently realize that...which is probably the reason for the act.