Quote:Neologist said: Frank...You and I are Mensa marvels compared to him [Romeo]
Oh yeah mate? check some of your quotes from various threads (my highlighting)-
"I can say truly that JWs are most certainly not perfect" (Neologist 18 Aug 2006)
"I'm no genius..One of my main reasons for posting here is to sharpen my understanding" (Neologist 21 Sep 013)
"When I'm wrong, I fess up to it" (Neologist 21 Sep 013)
As for arrogance, check this-
"I also won my share of weightlifting contests" (Neologist profile)
PS- you've been checking up on my fan mail, now give me some links where i can check up on your weightlifting, I hope you didn't compete against grannies..
Oh and let's not forget Frankie-
"On several occasions I have been shown to be wrong..And when proven wrong...I simply acknowledge that I was wrong" (Frank Apisa 17 Nov 2013)
"I often am wrong...and I have no problem with acknowledging when I am" (Frank Apisa 17 Nov 2013)
By contrast holy men like me are NEVER WRONG..

Tell 'em about me Obi-
"The Force is strong in that one"