Wed 14 Apr, 2004 08:35 pm
While drooling over my choclate bunnies during Easter, I came over this strange idea. What food doesn't go with chocolate? Well... brocolli, bread, meat, etc. But, all those go with cheese. And then I'm like... woah! If a food doesn't go with cheese then it goes with chocolate and vice versa. If it goes with neither, then it isn't food. I've asked many people to disprove my theory and none have been successful. This does have to do with the taster's opinion somewhat but I'm talking about an overall opinion here. If my theory is correct then that means that choco and cheese are the all time best foods that man has ever encountered... yet. I'll list some examples: lollipops-tootsie pops (not that they're good but they make profit); vegies- cheese; apples-choco; meat-cheese; bread- cheese; whip cream-choco.
Some people tried to say twizzlers, fruit roll up, jeelly beans, etc. I've heard people say that they were good with chocolate. Some people even liked them with cheese.
Coughdrops are medicine.
Why am I asking this question? To prove that cheese and choclate are the best foods ever.
What good will this be? Everyone will know that serving cheese or choclate at the dinnertable is never wrong.
Why are you still reading this? Cause chocolate rocks.
Chocolate does go with bread. Think chocolate-fondu - needs to be the right bread. And, chocolate goes with meat - think mole sauce (usually on chicken).
But, I don't get the "coughdrops are medicine" point.
Generally sweet foods go with chocolate and savory foods with cheese, but there are foods that go with neither such as liver, carrots, cucumbers and lentils.
This thread is too deep for me.
So, you fear talking about fritters...
Are you addressing me, Osso? If so, no, I don't mind fritters. It's just that M-R seems to have discovered a universally true metaphysical principle, one that seems to be self-evident and irrefutable. Scary.
Terry - The Jolly Green Giant vegetable people make a veggie medly with broccoli, cauliflower, carrots and cheese sauce. Yum! Cheese on carrots when done correctly isn't bad.
Cucumbers when pickled go okay with cheese in sammiches. So I'm not sure if that would qualify. But I gotta give you the liver. . . blech.
So, what foods go good with both? Other than bread/fondue?
I was. JL, and will back off of the fritters question, if and only if, you and M-R work out a distracting point otherwise...
Mmm...chocolate liver....
I would think most fish would not go well with either chocolate or cheese. I cannot imagine having some nice trout with cheese or chocolate. Or steamed clams or raw oysters.
"Coughdrops are medicine" was my favourite point.
In a feverish attempt to keep my girlish figure, I never eat chocolate and cheese. They are two very addicting foods for me (as are pretzels).In the past, I have gained a good amount of weight because I couldn't control myself when eating those foods.
doglover- you have just made my point. Cheese and chocolate are the best foods, ever. Umm... not talking about health related goodness.
Liver... I have never had. I guess come cheese sauce would go well. Liverwurst sandwich? with cheese? Maybe. Also, someone said prunes. I have never had prunes I hope I will never need to. I guess chocolate would help them go down.
The only things that have defied cheese and chocolate totally are some candies. AirHeads, Fruit Roll Up, etc. I try to come up with the exception rule but if I do the theory would be like English, every rule will be broken. I think, well, food is anything one eats in order to satisfy hunger. AirHeads in no way shape or form have ever satisfied my hunger. I guess they could. If I ate a box of them I may get diabetes but I'm not sure I would pass up my next meal if you know what I'm saying.
Coughdrops are medicine. I don't get what's so funny about it. Someone said that they didn't go with either, I said that meant that they weren't food which is true.
BTW, JL... I'm sorry if this was to indepth. I thought I was going to be criticized for such a post. The results I got were great. And... what are you talking baout with fritters and all. Apple fridders? Chocolate.
Oh yeah, someone said oatmeal. I know that a company makes choclate oatmeal. I have a box in my pantry. I ate it once and haven't touched the evil substance since. I guess someone had to like it. I thought, well, the milk (or water, whatever is preferred) in the oatmeal isn't food. It's actually a drink. The oats could be used in cookies, meatballs, , etc. Oats are more of a topping and so are cheese and chocolate (most of the time). Its hard to match toppings with toppings. The way its done is that one would look at the main food and see if the toppings could be on the food at the same time. So... chocolate chip oat cookies, cheesy meatballs, etc.
Chocolate goes great with almonds. Mmmmmmmmmmm.
So what goes with the
chocolate cheese you can buy in Belgian street markets ? Presumably everything !
A nice Thai soup of Gatee tom yum gai (coconut milk, lemongrass, chicken, galunga root, mushrooms) would be ruined by chocolate or cheese. However, it goes nicely with a sticky-rice and coconut mango dessert.
Shrimp curry would taste terrible with chocolate or cheese.
Sushi also doesn't go with chocolate or cheese, unless you count cream cheese.
Did you know there is a chocolate stout?
There is also a ween album titled "Chocolate and Cheese."
How about sauerkraut?
It goes with bratwurst. You could have cheese with it i guess, but is the sauerkraut enhanced thereby?
Portal Star, soup? I would put grated cheese in it. I don't know about your soup though. The problem with this rule is that you need to look at the food BEFORE things are added to it. All of the contents of the soup, except for the drink, I think could go with cheese. I don't know about lemongrass. That isn't appealing to me with either chocolate or cheese. Shrimp curry... the shrimp would go great with pasta covered in a creamy sauce and parmesean cheese. I also believe I had a warm, cheesy food once which contained shrimp. I forget what it is called. I forget if I even had it. I might be able to make it... Anyway. Sushi, composed of fish and (at times) vegies, may taste good if dipped in chocolate. I doubt it though. The fish, once cooked, could go well with cheese. Cheese filled fishsticks... mmmmmmm... a light layer of mozzerella over a fillet of fish... arggaahh... umm... I was going to refer to a fish sandwich at McD's but... I'll refrain from calling that stuff food for now.
And... about the album, those people must of been geniuses as well.
ebrown... I love you.
GreyFan... sauerkraut is nasty stuff, in my opinion of course. I guess it could go with a cheesedog. Sauerkraut is a topping therefore the topping rule spplies to it. I went over this in my last post. To me, sauerkraut is most famous for topping hot dogs. Hot dogs are to die for when covered in cheese, with sauerkraut I would die from the stench. I don't know what bratwurst is. Is sauerkraut enhanced? Right...
P.S. My brother had a simliar theory years ago, The cinnamon, pepper, or nothing theory.
Over here (Northern Ireland) some fast food joints are deep frying Snickers and Mars bars(Milky way in the U.S.) in batter.
I know you don't belive me but I swear it's true
Also you can get fries with grated cheese over them.Known over here as a cheesy chip.
I think that goes someway to proving that cheese and chocolate are indeed the best foods around
Even my cat likes cheese but she wont eat chocolate.Her loss