Thu 5 Dec, 2013 11:55 am
I need help to compare these two films "The exorcist" (1973) and "I Am Legend" (2007): similarities and differences between the films.
One is a horror movie, the other is a horrible movie.
similarity: they are both movies
differences: too numerous to list here
@Region Philbis,
I still have to be in a well lit room full of religious relics and NO WEEJEE BOARDS when I watch "The Exorcist ". SCares ths crap out of me and the kids(my wife wont watch it, course she wont watch the THREE STOOGES)
Will Smith is in both of them, except for The Exorcist.
both have 7's in the year they were made.
There are 34 years between the making of these movies, and 3 + 4 = 7.
I think not.