Kolyo wrote:
Foofie wrote:
Well, if Blacks do not like to see fear emanating from Whites, towards them, this is not helping matters.
Do you want a race war? Keep up your tone of hostility towards the black race and you'll get one my friend!
Do you know that 86% of blacks feel that Zimmerman murdered Trayvon Martin?
Well, they do! So from
their perspective, we're killing them left and right, and you're surprised when the more nihilistic among them start killing us -- their mortal enemies? Now how would you look at white America if you were an ordinary black guy? The whites are literally gunning you down in the street. Not only that, but the
majority of whites support your murderers walking away scott free when said murderers are taken to trial. Small surprise that those among the blacks with the least self-control have started flat out clobber people...
God Foofie ... war is over if you want it to be...
You are giving no solutions. What seems to be different from the usual urban problems is that even females are being targeted.
And, if you notice this is all happending in the northern states, if you include Missouri as northern.
The point is that the way this was addressed, till now, was a virtual news blackout. Now that it is making the news, people see that this is a multi-state situation where some young male Blacks seem to be exhibiting a predatory attitude to their eventual victim. And, in my opinion, the supposed jocularity captured in videos might just be for the benefit of viewers to see the lack of compassion.
Talking from a sociological/psychological standpoint, this "game" (a euphemism for predatory hunting, in my opinion) might just reflect that some male Black youth may not have what parents/grandparents, and other groups had in the past, which was the ability to feel like objects of societal scorn, yet NOT ACT OUT. Blacks always had this ability to understand that not everyone from other groups were going to appreciate them as part of the population. Same with Jews. And other groups that had been the recipients of societal contempt.
And, the supposed reason that the news media kept it under wraps was for the supposed reason that a race war should be avoided. I agree. But, as I alluded to in my original post, there is no way for a white person, male or female, to hide his/her fear when a group of young male blacks are approaching, with this awareness of the "game." Again, offer a solution. Posting adversarial postings to me means nothing in the way of a solution. And, in my own opinion, any solution will offend some Blacks, since in my opinion, not all urban Blacks will think it is a big deal, since they have endured so much violence and hate in the past.
It is really urban terrorism, since the victim is not part of the predators' respective community, and the acts are just random, as part of a hunt that is portrayed as a game.
And, so many northern whites where this is occurring do not have any guilt for the history of Black America, since their ancestors were still back in Europe when the atrocities were carried out by another demographic. The Blacks, in effect, are just scape-goating the demographic of whites that just want to live peaceably. So now, ethnic northern whites must suffer for the sins of Americans that were here earlier, or lived in a different part of the country?
But, let's not make sweeping accusations that anyone wants a race war. I think what many white people want is just civilized behavior, and learning that alienation from the majority of the population is really counter-productive.