Mon 12 Apr, 2004 03:34 pm
I have a database driven site, i have a few things going on, quite a busy page...
it's basically part of a online delivery ordering system. i have hidden variables auto set with the customers info ect,
now i have a drop down box filled with companies that the customer has affiliated themselves with. this list consists of the value being the companies ID number from the database, and the line showing the companies name.
what i am trying to accomplish is, javascript that will change the input text for address to the proper address for the selected company. i have a working copy, by using the onselect= however, this only work under netscape/mozilla NOT internet explorer. normally this wouldn't be a huge concern to me, however as IE has such a large share in the browser market, i'm guaranteed customers will be using it.
Any help would most defiantly be appreciated.
Thanks in advance
James W Dumais
Can you post the script and any assocuated code here using the code tags?