Cyracuz wrote:
You sound butt hurt at the prospect of someone challenging your preconceptions.
Yes on one side I agree with you, on another I may partially disagree, let me clarify on the basis that nothing is entirely anything while everything is partly something else:
I as any other human being have preconceptions, and its only natural that time to time I resent the critique when challenged. Equally and in addition to your wise observation I can argue that I honestly make an effort to listen to everyone's opinions and the soundness of their propositions. Often I play devil's advocate in my own mind. Nevertheless I think we both would agree the true (ops) challenge is to meditate deeply with an empty mind set upon our personnel limitations and let the light shine in.
In the end of the day what are "preconceptions", one can wonder ? What is the purpose of challenges ? Why are we here ? Does any of this is real ? Only the presumptuous short sighted people believe to have an answer to those questions...
Ultimately words can have several meanings and multiple interpretations which need not be tagged right or wrong, it all very much depends on the context we put them, and truth is in the eye of the beholder. An intelligent person ought to take wisdom from every other human being, trade opinions, listen to everybody as to make any valid progression in life. It really saddens me deeply some people don't make enough effort to understand others points of view, the lack of empathy and emotional intelligence is heartbreaking and a sure sign of a civilisational regression. Comme disent les francais, n'importe quoi, au fur et à mesure tout sera oublié...
Cyracuz I am glad you choose to ad your wisdom to my own and participate in this never ending human dialogue by exchanging opinions and perceptions about human nature. I can only hope other people like you rise to the occasion. A bientot mon cher amie !