Sun 10 Nov, 2013 03:17 am
Guys, this time I am writing a blog post when a question troubles me. I have consulted various dictionaries and websites but have not got a very satisfying answer yet. Hope you guys can give me a hand. Also in this post I would like to take the opportunity to thank those experts who have answered my questions on ‘the number of quantity’ and ‘are they the same day’.
This question is:
Teachers have a different attitude towards the mobile phone from students/students’.
Which word fits here, students or students’? Thanks.
Teachers have a different attitude towards the mobile phone from students.
I 'd have said:
Teachers have a different attitude toward the mobile phone than students.
That is short for:
Teachers have a different attitude toward the mobile phone than students do.
If the students purchased property
then it 'd be the students' property, e.g. the students' new house.
In British English.
Teachers have a different attitude to mobile phones compared with that of students.