The Middle Lower Southern Spitting Society of Gentlemen?
Although in every other way an officer and a gentleman, my dad was a spitter... my goodness. I always secretly hoped he'd forget just which was his coffee and which was his spit. 'Twould serve him right. Uck.
I still have his brass spittoon, which he never used, preferring styrofoam. I thought about burying his ashes in it.
I used to think that busking and spitting were similar.
OK, i'm clueless . . . what, pray tell, is busking?
In Australia it means performing in the streets in hopes of being paid!
Well, once you have the yucky substance in your mouth.....the only alternative is ewww...swallowing!
The "substance" being
The don't chew it!!!!
If 'tis other substances- use a hanky/tissue!
Piffka, You father would have felt right at home in China. Maybe not any more in Beijing which has transformed itself from a filthy basket case to a city without litter in the past few years. c.i.
Oh alright Dlowan,
...If you're just going to insist on being all correct and everything...You can just forget about being accepted in the "International Slobs Society"
Yep, you're right Deb. Don't put it in your mouth in the first place. Tobacco is so addictive... my dad went from cigarettes to pipe to chewing.
CI - I hope you don't think my father would have enjoyed China if it were a filthy basket case. He was an officer and a gentleman and most discreet about his stupid chewing, practically dainty about it!
Setanta -- There is a Busker's Fair in Tarana and in London the signs in the subway say "No Eating, Spitting or Busking Allowed."
Hafta check inta the busking in Tarana . . . is it likely to involve any nudity?
Aah, that felt good.
Very likely, it was held in August!
Piffka, If I let a little spit discourage me from visiting China, I would never have revisited there nor visited many other third world countries such as India or Africa. Many "officers and gentlemens" also do not stay away from other "filthy basket cases," because many wars are unfortunately held in those countries. I did not imply he "relished" it. Only that people in China also have the habit of spitting. That is the only similarity that I was trying to relay. Ugh! c.i.
...Are you confusing a busker, with a Hook....., oh nevermind.
Oh - can we get off the spitting! I worked in a Chinese restaurant for four years and you are all bringing back such horrible memories!!!
Especially when I came on for the evening shift as the cooks and kitchen hands and the male waiters were waking from their between shift snoozes - and performing their ritual hawkings and spittings into the waste-food bins!!!!
Ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww! I am soooooo traumatized still!
AWKKKK -- Booman, I forget, how did you choose your screen name?
<trying desperately to change the subject... looking around for digression thread>
dlowan, Do you eat in Chinese restaurants? c.i.
BTW, It's a great wonder to me that you, a wabbit, has survived with your skin.
Oh boy!! Thanks ladies. I get to dive into my Webster again. Seem to be doing that on a regular basis these days.
Busk - To prepare oneself, to prepare, dwell.
How's that relate to street situations?
Me thinks that definition is open to interpretation.