It's sure getting boring reading your posts informing everybody else about what you consider their faults to be bearing in mind that them having these faults is axiomatic given your starting position.
And your bald intemperance of expression is a clear indication of your lack of tolerance and your unbalanced mind.
There is no hiding the fact that from an evolutionary point of view religious belief was a necessity for the development of societies. Nothing that I know of which started out atheistic has ever been selected in.
I have not noticed that "the number of Creationists from the UK is on a marked increase." Perhaps you are searching for evidence too avidly. One can easily see the atheist's avid search for evidence on all the threads they participate in and none of it is worth a blow on a hobo's snot rag.
I imagine they spend half their time on sites where such items abound and choose little blurts for our perusal which have been given out by some self-publicist who has become aware that leading the population into promiscuity, lechery and debauchery is a promising strategy to adopt in a world of selfishness. Even a 10% segment of the population which is militant about itself is a lush meadow of greenery to graze in. We get the cow pats. What they have left behind and most of them topped off with a mighty fine crust around which a few flies play.
Lift the crust. With a long stick is recommended.
What you need to do is persuade people, in one of those re-conditioning centres you once proposed, not to bother their silly little heads about where we came from, why we are here, where we are going and what's it all about. They will insist on such meditations won't they. You do yourself.
Do that and promiscuity, lechery and debauchery will cease to have meaning and be replaced by "going to the recreation unit" Or "an evening at the Leisure Complex" . Or "I think I'll have a night in tonight". Admittance according to production targets league tables. The rate-buster heaving a sigh of relief that his "piece of ass", in Wilso prose, has a headache. The idle dead-beats getting the Giotto types in the Latin Quarter. A bit like now only made more formal and as neat, organised and functional as even the most pedantic scientific methodologist could possibly wish.
The largest dictionaries will probably record those emotive words, which mean nothing to me already, for a period of time but marked
And we can save on cyclotrons and fossil industrialists into the bargain.
You have to laugh really. Both Religion and Science feed from the same stream. An incapacity to live in the present. And even the place.
The horizons of time and space offer no temptation to enough people to show that being so tempted must be learned. Conditioned. It cannot be innate. In fact, when it is sheer laziness which overcomes any temptations it is surely truer to the human instinct.
If it is conditioned it can be de-conditioned. But not with the ruling elite of course. Their task in my atheist project is to look to the future with the lessons of the past in mind and also to prevent the population from ever getting up on the cross they are fastened on.
In a scientific world plebs who bother their silly little heads about where we came from, why we are here, where we are going and what's it all about would be subversive and ruthlessly exterminated by enforcers who enjoy exterminating.