Quote: The folks at McDonalds will love you ...
FM, the talk was neither about carcinogens, nor about how do they 'appear out of nothing' in industrial quantities in the fries ... nor what is the need for the fast-food to be deeply fried at all.
After all, if you are afraid of bears (acrylamide or something) don't go to the forest (don't eat deeply fried & heavily cooked foods).
I was asking about the carbon dating - the fries were your theme, and BTW a lot of (other) questions could be asked there.
So, do you have any vaguest idea about how many research articles in the past 300 years for example in your field have based their 'discoveries' on carbon dating ... and what does the carbon dating actually read ... and how many of these articles have been validated subsequently ... or they are taken as truth of the last resort, by default ... and the question is not 'What will you have with the carbon dating?', but rather 'Why should you base your theory on a method that you don't know what it is measuring?'.