Intelligent Design vs. Casino Universe

Reply Wed 15 Jan, 2014 11:22 pm
Nobody runs away from your posts spendi. They just zone off with boredom. You are a gifted composer of Tables of Content.

Your swollen egos
. I have but one swollen ego.I am not a polyegoiac.

As far as the rest of your post, might I say that I believe Ive gotten to the base of your problem. You are bat-**** crazy.
You sound like Peter OToole in one of his senseless soliloquies from the "Ruling Class" A dark little attempt at humor with poor lighting and ,makeup and lots of tu-tus worn by men. Made for you while your 30 mikes of Diazepam dissolve in your beer
Reply Thu 16 Jan, 2014 03:32 am
You have too much time on your hands.

If you're going to use your time for something, use it for actually educating yourself instead of trying to spew nonsense to look clever/intelligent.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 16 Jan, 2014 06:19 am
Made for you while your 30 mikes of Diazepam dissolve in your beer

What on earth is that? Is it any good?

"Run away" was a tender euphemism for bolting. You ran away, peeped, ran away, peeped, and, after a series of vacillations, realised what a fool you were making of yourself and gave it up.

You seem to be drawn to men in tu-tus. It might be an aspect of your Balkan inheritance you know.
Reply Thu 16 Jan, 2014 06:23 am
The most successful evolutionist is one who enjoys discussing the subject most without money or status or self-esteem distorting the subject.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 16 Jan, 2014 08:22 am
You seem to be drawn to men in tu-tus.
Quite the contrary (not that theres anything wrong with that). I just wished to be conversant with your favorite topic which seems to be ladies garments.
Reply Thu 16 Jan, 2014 09:14 am
And I am a long way from being unusual in that respect fm.

Bob Dylan was asked at a press conference in 1965, I think, what he would sell out to if he was to sell out. "Ladies garments" he replied as quick as a flash. And the only ad he gave his name to was a brand of lingerie.

He wasn't selling out when he advertised Fender guitars because he played them.

But chaps in tu-tus never spring to my mind as readily as they do for you.
Reply Thu 16 Jan, 2014 09:26 am
Don't feel embarrassed. Its always the English that somehow think in drag.

Reply Thu 16 Jan, 2014 09:36 am
You're floundering fm. You mentioned drag. Not me.

Apisaisms cut no ice with me.

Show me a post where an Englishman introduced the subject of drag let alone in the context of chaps in a tu-tu.

Are you clean shaven?

Reply Thu 16 Jan, 2014 11:28 am
I mentioned drag because you flunt it. I can go back and resurrect your posts in which you sound like Eric Idle on ladies loungerie and poofery. (Not that theres anything wrong with that).

Reply Thu 16 Jan, 2014 02:50 pm
If you thnk there's nothing wrong with it why do you bring it up?

Never have I flaunted drag. Drag is taking the attitudes, postures and dress of the opposite sex presumably to get the aphrodisiac effect of transgressive morality such as the ladies with the salt and pepper shakers I mentioned. If it was accepted etiquette to be introduced to a lady by having her shake salt and pepper on one's tackle then there would be little point in mentioning it.

But it might catch on I suppose as tattoos did after actresses in space age movies began sporting them as a badge.

The whole point of adultery is to be getting across a lady one ought not to be getting across. The excitement of unlicensed hooligans riding in stolen cars is due to them being unlicensed and the cars being stolen. Some elderly ladies here, one a famous brains, have been caught with a house full of shoplifted goods they neither need, nor want nor will use.

I would go back to me being pissed out of my mind as a rebuttal procedure. It has actually happened a time or two.

A pal of mine, one of substance, once plonked a ladies wig on my head at a party but I knew what he was up to. He wanted to familiarise the other party-goers with a chap in a ladies wig and then he could wear one himself without startling them. And go from there. The funniest thing was that he caught his sister's husband in the middle of the night in full kit. He was under treatment last time I heard.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 16 Jan, 2014 10:34 pm
farmerman wrote:
Have anything to add to the discussion? Your ignorance of the earliest life on the planet is obvious.

Is that the discussion: my ignorance about the rocks of the right type?
What about your ignorance ... in terms of the things I am talking about.
FM, you are great. I cannot stop admiring you. You cannot make a single statement with one subject and one predicate without reading it before that from some book ... and when you meet somebody thinking out of the box and you cannot find ready made answers from some book you exhibit the argument of the ignorance. One starts wondering whether ignorance is not the foundation of your understanding of the world.

farmerman wrote:
As far as I kow, theres not one reference to any kind of microscopic life mentioned in KJV.

Aha, you will start confessing that KJV is under your pillow.
Reply Thu 16 Jan, 2014 11:10 pm
You cannot make a single statement with one subject and one predicate without reading it before that from some book
More likely Id read it several decades before. If you wish to deny the veracity of researchers from which my posts are built, I certainly cant stop you. However, denial to avoid the fact that your worldview cannot stand close scrutiny is really not Christian as Ive come to know it. My colleagues who are also devout Christians refer to your ilk as mere "cultists" who need to avoid science and the scientific method like hot acid .

Believing in the inerrancy of an ancient Book of moral tales over a century objective data collection and analyses does take some commitment on your end. For that I guess I too have to be impressed at how you can keep to your mission while around you your scriptural foundations wither away in the cold light of evidence.
As they say, Sticking with truth is easy, living a lie takes a lot of daily work .


Aha, you will start confessing that KJV is under your pillow.
. Confessing? certainly not. I openly dmit it ( although certainly not under my pillow).Ive got several versions of the Bible in my library. Ive even got facsimiles of the Nag Hamadi texts and several of the "nasty Gospels". I have a copious "five foot bookshelf" of everything from Tacitus and Charles Taze Russell through the Paluxey hoaxes to the "Geology of the Flood".I love reading how modern Fundamentalism develops and how a worldview persists despite clear evidence against it.

You really cant insult me because , in my career , Ive heard it all before and usually much more clearly stated. It always boils down toyour use of vituperation and insult doesn't it?
I here for you if you want to discuss real science at some time.

Reply Fri 17 Jan, 2014 06:44 am
But real science expects you to answer points put to you rather than simply sticking to obscure corners of science which you happen to have a little knowledge about and if nobody else has the same knowledge you can beat us all over the head with for ever and ******* ever.

You shut your eyes to this-

to introduce geometrical method into practical life is "like trying to go mad .with the rules of reason," attempting to proceed by a straight line among the tortuosities of life, as though human affairs were not ruled by capriciousness, temerity, opportunity, and chance. Similarly, to arrange a political speech according to the precepts of geometrical method is equivalent to stripping it of any acute remarks and to uttering nothing but pedestrian lines of argument.

I bet there is no C.P. Snow books on your five foot bookshelf. However copious you might claim such a magnificent structure to be. I have one of those containing nothing but books on the Classical culture. In fact I have four such items in other rooms because my library is full.

Literature is not something to wear whilst mincing along the catwalk.

Vico's position here and in later works is not that the Cartesian method is irrelevant, but that its application cannot be extended to the civic sphere. Instead of confining reason to a string of verifiable axioms, Vico suggests (along with the ancients) that appeals to phronêsis or practical wisdom must also be made, as do appeals to the various components of persuasion that comprise rhetoric. Vico would reproduce this argument consistently throughout his works, and would use it as a central tenet of the Scienza Nuova.

So you evaded a central tenet of science for your own convenience. Hence you are not doing real science at all and only asserting that you are and also asserting that others are not.

Without the "civic sphere" there is neither science nor rhetoric. You are self evidently afraid of the tortuosities of life and the idea that human affairs are ruled by capriciousness, temerity, opportunity, and chance. Which is the general case with the equipment fetishist to whom uncertainty is anathema.

You prefer to "go mad with the rules of reason" so that you feel safe with those aspects of reason you choose to select. Head down, arse up, like the ostrich is said to perform.

And the Vico post of mine is by no means the first item you have chosen to ignore.

You take advantage of Herald's inability to separate his beliefs from the practical wisdom they are in the service of.

You haven't got a scientific bone in your body fm. You're special pleading. And readers here should be aware of it.

0 Replies
Reply Fri 17 Jan, 2014 06:48 am
C. P. Snow wrote--

A good many times I have been present at gatherings of people who, by the standards of the traditional culture, are thought highly educated and who have with considerable gusto been expressing their incredulity at the illiteracy of scientists. Once or twice I have been provoked and have asked the company how many of them could describe the Second Law of Thermodynamics. The response was cold: it was also negative. Yet I was asking something which is about the scientific equivalent of: 'Have you read a work of Shakespeare's?'

I now believe that if I had asked an even simpler question – such as, What do you mean by mass, or acceleration, which is the scientific equivalent of saying, 'Can you read?' – not more than one in ten of the highly educated would have felt that I was speaking the same language. So the great edifice of modern physics goes up, and the majority of the cleverest people in the western world have about as much insight into it as their Neolithic ancestors would have had.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 18 Jan, 2014 01:47 am
farmerman wrote:
More likely Id read it several decades before.

It is more than obvious that your data and information ... and understanding of the world are highly outdated.

further wrote:
If you wish to deny the veracity of researchers from which my posts are built.

Would you stop twisting my words around. How can you prove, for example that you really understand what they are saying. If you are not educated at their level (at least), and do not have IQ around their or more, you cannot present their statements as your personal inferences.

further wrote:
My colleagues who are also devout Christians refer to your ilk as mere "cultists" who need to avoid science and the scientific method like hot acid.

I am very glad for your devoted Christian colleagues, who avoid hot acid ... and deal only with cryogenic bases ... by spending their lives in collecting the money of the population and preaching things they personally don't fully understand, and very often even don't believe in.

further wrote:
Believing in the inerrancy of an ancient Book of moral tales over a century objective data collection and analyses does take some commitment on your end.

FM, you don't have the slightest idea what is the Bible all about, who 'wrote' it, how and why ... and you are talking about commitments and 'your end'. What about your end ... and your commitments. If you think that you can disseminate lies and conceal critical information about the fossil fuels and the air emissions and water and soil pollution just because you make fast and easy profits from that - think again. What is your commitment and how far will that go.
BTW the evolution is your least problem. We will learn everything about it when we are ready to understand the processes.
Reply Sat 18 Jan, 2014 03:20 am
rosborne979 wrote:
No, I mean the actual, scientific, rational, detailed, precise meaning.

1. You cannot prove that any interpretation (not only this one) can exist objectively (outside our personal understanding of the world) ... and as our personal understanding of the world is highly subjective it hardly could be viewed as actual. If you claim that your personal understanding of the world is the truth of the last resort ... why are we all waste our time to study whatever.
2. RE: scientific
Of which science. I am not sure that biology has the exclusive rights to study the world and everybody else is illegitimate ... and non-actual.
3. RE: Rational
"Rationality" has different specialized meanings in economics, sociology, psychology, evolutionary biology and political science ... and math logic.
4. RE: detailed
How much detailed and how much special an interpretation of something should be is highly subjective and hence disputable.
5. RE: precise
Precision supposes context and constraints. Without such it is objectless.
Miss L Toad
Reply Sat 18 Jan, 2014 04:00 am
Herald, I don't know why you bother trying to explain these things.
Reply Sat 18 Jan, 2014 05:43 am
I could take ros through some actualities of his own experience in a scientific and rational manner and with a wealth of detail and precision and he would run off up the road like a scalded cat.

In fact he already has done exactly that on this site with anybody who dare try such a thing. And in my case I had only mentioned introductory material.

He uses those words as a showgirl uses glitter.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 18 Jan, 2014 05:47 am

It is more than obvious that your data and information ... and understanding of the world are highly outdated.
Im not sure how you arrive at this assertion since you have no idea at all about what you are speaking. You seem to be stringing words together with no obvious knowledge of the subjects.
"My ability to present you something from the scientific literature " is based upon things that you don't even know exist.

Like your pronouncement that "Biology is all that has fir claim to evolutionary thought".
It may be truw that the ultimate evidence resides with evolutionary
biology but Bio needs the support of other disciplines to assure itself that their evidence is even valid. For example, radioisotope dating is a sub -discipline of geochemistry. It is a base on which the temporal bounds of species may be compared. To deny it , and other dsiciplines shows me your inadequate knowledge about evidence .


FM, you don't have the slightest idea what is the Bible all about, who 'wrote' it, how and why
You've been continually showing us all the typical cult beliefs that many of the Christian sects display. You assert that. "I don't know what your book is about yet youre trying to argue its merits as an actual scientific text. Id be happy to discuss the many texts included in the Bible and (more importantly) the texts that were passed over for inclusion into your bible. Id love to discuss the various "Christian interpretations" and outright infighting among your cults as to "Who's right?"
Its great entertainment and your standing there with a strait face is especially entertaining when youre trying to convince me that youre in touch some nebulous worldview that requires fealty to a spirit that you claim exists in the Universe as a supreme being.

As I said before , Sticking with truth is easy, living a lie like you do requires a lot of daily work .
Reply Sat 18 Jan, 2014 06:30 am
Im not sure how you arrive at this assertion since you have no idea at all about what you are speaking.

Pure Casino-speak fm. Quite amusing really.

I wouldn't like to be at a posh reception with a gob full of cream-cracker and caviar and a swig of Barbadillo Oloroso and have such a statement addressed to me by a po-faced twat in a stentorian tone of voice.

But I would be polite enough to help him clean his frontal visage as I profusely apologised. And I would pay his dry cleaning bill as well.

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