farmerman wrote: v=H* D; {[He3 x He4 xH2 x Li7]}/{H1} =~1; microwave background radiation and the shape of the Universe
And what is this equation (of the cosmic background radiation - the oldest light in the universe) supposed to prove.
FM, you are missing the assumptions - the preconditions.
Example 1
Precondition: the ground is solid rock
Theory: 'one can dig the rock to find fossils ... or to build a skyscraper' is true
Example 2
Precondition: the ground is quicksand
Theory: 'one can dig the rock to find fossils ... or to build a skyscraper' is false
Example 3
Precondition: the ground is unknown
Theory: 'one can dig the rock to find fossils ... or to build a skyscraper' is undefined.
When the preconditions are unknown (or unknowable) any theory based on such assumptions is undefined ... with or without the microwave background equation.
Not only you don't know what was there 'before the oldest light' ... but you don't even have the vaguest idea of what it might have been.
Besides that you cannot tell for sure whether the information in the universe can be lost or not.
Suppose you have a beautiful planet (like ours) with rocks of the right type, containing lots of beautiful fossils that can be used as evidence (for evolution or whatever).
At some point of time an ugly event appears on the event horizon - the star system of this planet is engulfed by Sagittarius. Everything, the star and its planets, is turned into light & energy.
Question: Is the info of the fossils preserved in the light emitted by the black hole ... and is it knowable (can it be decoded down to the data of the fossils) ... to us, and as a general rule?
If the information in the universe is lost or can become unknowable, what theories do you think you are making?
further wrote: If there is , or is not another ILF in the Universe would have to do with what?
This changes everything. It changes the preconditions ... and hence the validity of the whole theory.
further wrote: That is dumb logic.
It is called predicate logic.
further wrote: RE: the curriculum
I don't want anything, but you cannot claim false, unknown, and unknowable things on the net and present them as truth of the last resort. If you are seeking for the truth just state what you think ... not what is convenient or safe or appropriate for your career or profits or promotion or whatever there it might be.