Quote:Quote: Big bang is the mastermind (or the casino croupier or whatever there it is) of the evolution of the stars which caused somehow the evolution of the species. This is not my theory - this is in the books that FM strongly recommended to me.
Youre forcing me to say something that I reserve for only the most fraudulent of opponents-YOU , sir, are a lying sack of hit. NO BOOK IVE RECCOMMENDED TO YOU, confuses the two concepts. You are nuts.
Quote: The fossils don't even prove strong enough correlation to suggest common process of development. What evidences do you have that this process exists at all?
Even though the fossil record is pretty damned convincing as to form and function via correlation of hard part (nd things like feathers), there are so many other science disciplines that support the fossil record in biology, physics, chemistry and geology that the evidence , in total is really compelling. To ignore it , one must really be super convinced that he has an "Answer" to the origin of life . ALL thi is done by Creationists WITHOUT ANY EVIDENCE.
Remember that natural selection is a concept that was concluded to be a fact only after a century or more of evidence gathering and testing AFTER DARWIN. Evidence became so strong that even the CAtholic Church had accepted it and now teaches it in their own parochial Universities . Same thing with other Church Affiliated colleges and Univerities. Only a thin slice of Fundamental Christians having their own " Institutes of Higher Learning" even teach "Scientific Creationism> and, in all of these Schools, the regional ACCREDITATION BOARDS refuse to accredit these colleges . (What that means is that, you can get a "creation Science Degree" but it doesn't count for anything in satisfying "Credits" for a students GPE to try to gain admission to a medical school or to seek an advanced degree in Biology or Geoscinces).
Now the onlyconclusion that we derive from all this is that ID and Creationism are NOT RIGOROUS SCIENTIFIC DISCIPLINES, they are merely a religious (and therefore limited) Worldview that does NOT recognize the scientific method or the history of science of the fcats of evidence.
Its really sad to me, how kids are shortchanged when they wish to take up a career in science or medicine and are kept from entry because they've been duped(mostly by their parents) into studying a myth based discipline that is best used as an introduction to join the ministry of some Fundamental religion (like Snake Handlers or "Extreme Baptists").
... whereat all the DNA code of the humans leads to ... one female individual
Or one male also or al bunch of kids from specific parents. Evolution does seem to affect some individual and the genetic benefit gets transferred to a population. This is an area of discussion and debate even now. It even includes the concept of "hopeful Monsters" . population in
Quote: If it is not stochastic it should be deterministic.
Perhaps, but it can also be "Opportunistic" . Im a fan of limit functions when it comes to the billions of possible expressions in an amount of genes. Im also a fan that many genes together need to be there to express onetrait, and also that one gene can express many traits.