Behe was confronted with his very statements from "Black Box" and lost. Ken Miller, in cross examination clearly stated that "Irreucible complexity" is neither complex or iirreducible if we can show the same function (but perhaps at a lower level of complexity , in another organism).
Behe was presented with that issue for "blood clotting" which HE presented as an example, and since it occurred in a series of lower animals (in a fashion that used even fewer enzymes in the same clotting chain). This revelation sorta took the wind out of Behe's sails In his own chosen testimony.
He defined t and showed us the example. That example was shown to be just a "step" in the evolution of a biological system in the animal kingdom.
Same thing can be seen with plants where several types of photosynthesis are in effect for algae and a more complex series of photosynthetic processes are in place for higher plants .
BTW, Bhe isn't really a "scientific" IDer, Hes more a "Theistic evolution" dude His form of ID
1That the earth is exceedingly old
2Life arose from simple chemicals
3All life is descendent from earlier life
4 Descent with modification is the way life evolved
His wordview has, as his chosen Intelligence , is a God of the Bible.
And, where he really screwed up was to agree that natural nd supernatural could both be studied by scientific means (and failed to discuss HOW in cross exam)
Dr Behe provided , along with compelling evidence on the emergence of the "modern ID movement" by Barbara Forrest, the most damaging testimony to the fortunes of the IDers in the DOver P trial in 2005 . It was a bad day at Black Rock for the IDers when it went to court and was championed and defended by the Discovery Institute.