Intelligent Design vs. Casino Universe

Reply Sun 15 Mar, 2015 02:18 am
FBM wrote:
Last I heard from any of the others who've been posting, they thought you were a flake from page 1 and haven't changed their view about that at all. Much less their view of your multi-fallacious arguement.
     1. You are not empowered to speak on behalf of all the others, especially without their knowledge and consent to do so.
     2. I became a flake from the moment I started talking with you - touch pitch and be defiled.
FBM wrote:
The only belief I've stated is that your argument is **** compared to that for the scientific models.
     What 'scientific models' you are talking about - you hardly understand more that 1% of what these models are claiming.
FBM wrote:
Get some evidence to show us something about your god/alien/ILF hypothesis
     Why do you need that evidence for ... and what do you accept as evidence? Why don't you confess that the fake inference by analogy over inverted physical processes (that nobody can tell for sure whether they are feasible in the real world or not) is the only type of evidence that you accept?
Reply Sun 15 Mar, 2015 02:39 am
Herald wrote:

FBM wrote:
Last I heard from any of the others who've been posting, they thought you were a flake from page 1 and haven't changed their view about that at all. Much less their view of your multi-fallacious arguement.
     1. You are not empowered to speak on behalf of all the others, especially without their knowledge and consent to do so.

Laughing Haven't you been reading the posts about you? There's not a single one who thinks you have a valid argument. Read the thread! I'm not speaking for them; they're speaking for themselves, and the consensus is that you're wacko. They'll be able to read what I say when they come back to this thread. Nothing hidden about what I'm saying.

     2. I became a flake from the moment I started talking with you - touch pitch and be defiled.

You became a flake when you started believing alien/ILF/gods are magically, secretly teleporting instructions about the structure of the universe, or whatever that mish-mash of crap you posted was meant to say. You intensified your flakiness in step with developing your stubborn denialism. You became a dangerous flake when you extended that denialism to include medical science. http://i206.photobucket.com/albums/bb192/DinahFyre/ewacky.gif

FBM wrote:
The only belief I've stated is that your argument is **** compared to that for the scientific models.
     What 'scientific models' you are talking about - you hardly understand more that 1% of what these models are claiming.

Read the thread. Pay attention. I'm under no obligation to keep linking you to the same data every time you demand it. And I notice you're reverting back to the same old argumentum ad ignorantium again. Pity. http://i206.photobucket.com/albums/bb192/DinahFyre/consoling2.gif

FBM wrote:
Get some evidence to show us something about your god/alien/ILF hypothesis
     Why do you need that evidence for ... and what do you accept as evidence? Why don't you confess that the fake inference by analogy over inverted physical processes (that nobody can tell for sure whether they are feasible in the real world or not) is the only type of evidence that you accept?

What sort of evidence do you accept such that you believe in global warming? Observation? Experimentation? Necessary, non-fallacious inference based on observation and/or experimentation? Something like that would be pretty nice, if it supported your alien/ILF/god-thing. Still waiting... http://i206.photobucket.com/albums/bb192/DinahFyre/levitate.gif
Reply Sun 15 Mar, 2015 06:34 am
FBM wrote:
Read the thread! I'm not speaking for them; they're speaking for themselves
     Why don't you constrain of speaking on behalf of yourself, only.
FBM wrote:
... and the consensus is that you're wacko.
     If you are curious to know the consensus about you is not very much different.
FBM wrote:
You became a flake when you started believing alien/ILF/gods are magically, secretly teleporting instructions about the structure of the universe
     ... It doesn't matter whether the instructions have been secret or not - the truth of the matter is that you cannot explain how and from where all that Information has come from ... and how much it has been 4.38 bya, if it is continuously lost ever since (according to the second law of thermodynamics).
FBM wrote:
You became a dangerous flake when you extended that denialism to include medical science.
     I can't understand exactly what you are denying: do you deny only the existence of God, or you deny the Intelligence as possible means of Creation, or perhaps you deny the climate change, or maybe you deny that the climate change can have negative effect on the biosphere, or what? What exactly are you denying?
Reply Sun 15 Mar, 2015 06:54 am
Herald wrote:

FBM wrote:
Read the thread! I'm not speaking for them; they're speaking for themselves
     Why don't you constrain of speaking on behalf of yourself, only.

Why don't you restrain yourself to providing evidence for your god/alien/ILF-of-the-gaps?

FBM wrote:
... and the consensus is that you're wacko.
     If you are curious to know the consensus about you is not very much different.

That's true. I also consider you a wacko. Reasons already given.

FBM wrote:
You became a flake when you started believing alien/ILF/gods are magically, secretly teleporting instructions about the structure of the universe
     ... It doesn't matter whether the instructions have been secret or not - the truth of the matter is that you cannot explain how and from where all that Information has come from ... and how much it has been 4.38 bya, if it is continuously lost ever since (according to the second law of thermodynamics).

Again, the appeal to ignorance? After just having had it explained to you? http://i206.photobucket.com/albums/bb192/DinahFyre/hehe.gif

FBM wrote:
You became a dangerous flake when you extended that denialism to include medical science.
     I can't understand exactly what you are denying: do you deny only the existence of God, or you deny the Intelligence as possible means of Creation, or perhaps you deny the climate change, or maybe you deny that the climate change can have negative effect on the biosphere, or what? What exactly are you denying?

I've made it very clear. I'm denying that you have an argument comparable to that of the scientists. You claim alien/ILF/god-of-the-gaps. It's **** because you haven't the first fragment of evidence. Yet you cite scientific evidence to support your concerns about global warming. Get your **** together, wingnut.

Reply Sun 15 Mar, 2015 07:14 am
FBM wrote:
Why don't you restrain yourself to providing evidence for your god/alien/ILF-of-the-gaps?
      ... and why don't you explain how you, in the capacity of having no medical background, have been able to assess statements about combinatorial genetics?
FBM wrote:
That's true. I also consider you a wacko. Reasons already given.
      If you have such brilliant mental functionality, as you present yourself to have, why are you so interested in the 'wacko' problems?
FBM wrote:
I've made it very clear. I'm denying that you have an argument comparable to that of the scientists.
      ... and I am denying that you are able to understand what those scientists are saying at all.
FBM wrote:
You claim alien/ILF/god-of-the-gaps.
      No, I don't claim anything of the kind. What I claim is that you cannot exclude 100 % the option of having encoded communications in the data collected from the radio-telescope. I claim that you will never be able to prove that our conscience is 100% autonomous. I claim that you have no idea of what the theories that you so jealously believe in are actually claiming. ... and I also claim that you don't possess the qualification and the IQ to make psychiatric diagnoses online ... unless you dispose with some other disinformation and misrepresentation of data.
Reply Sun 15 Mar, 2015 07:48 am
Herald wrote:

FBM wrote:
Why don't you restrain yourself to providing evidence for your god/alien/ILF-of-the-gaps?
      ... and why don't you explain how you, in the capacity of having no medical background, have been able to assess statements about combinatorial genetics?

I have a degree in medical technology. Ask a specific question. Very Happy

FBM wrote:
That's true. I also consider you a wacko. Reasons already given.
      If you have such brilliant mental functionality, as you present yourself to have, why are you so interested in the 'wacko' problems?

Yet again, pay attention to the thread. This has already been explained to you numerous times in explicit detail.

FBM wrote:
I've made it very clear. I'm denying that you have an argument comparable to that of the scientists.
      ... and I am denying that you are able to understand what those scientists are saying at all.

You are wrong. I have demonstrated your relative ignorance many times over. I had to introduce you to the concept of the metric system. I had to introduce you to the fact that natural selection doesn't mean that every survivor is a predator. I've had to introduce to you so many basic scientific facts that I've begun to wonder if you have a genuine, medical learning disability. I've had to introduce you to the freshman basics of logic and logical fallacies. I've had to introduce to you that science is a process, not a collection of facts. I've had to introduce to you so much that it's like I'm talking to a blank slate. A blank slate bent on denialism, with a bent towards feel-good pseudoscience, that is.

FBM wrote:
You claim alien/ILF/god-of-the-gaps.
      No, I don't claim anything of the kind.

Want me to link you (yet again) to the posts that you made in this thread to that effect? It would be very easy...

What I claim is that you cannot exclude 100 % the option of having encoded communications in the data collected from the radio-telescope. I claim that you will never be able to prove that our conscience is 100% autonomous. I claim that you have no idea of what the theories that you so jealously believe in are actually claiming. ... and I also claim that you don't possess the qualification and the IQ to make psychiatric diagnoses online ... unless you dispose with some other disinformation and misrepresentation of data.

Right. What I mentioned before so many times. The argument from ignorance. A logical fallacy. Derp. Please pay attention, dipshit.

Your argument for your "personal 45% alien/ILF/god-of-the-gaps" is no better than your argument for global warming because they're both built on demonstrable bullshit, evasion, hand-waving and logical fallacies. Learn basic logic and how to build an argument that isn't based on logical fallacies, dumbass. This has been demonstrated to you many times over.

You may or may not be right about global warming. You may or may not be right about alien/ILF/gods. It doesn't matter until you learn how to construct a valid argument, free of logical fallacies and abundant with evidence. Until then, you've got nothing but a collection of beginner-level errors. Educate yourself.

What can you personally explain about why greenhouse gases emit and absorb radiation in the infrared thermal range? What can you personally explain about the assumptions scientists have to make in order to justify their global warming hypothesis? Nothing? Then your argument for global warming is no better than your argument against scientific cosmology. **** on both ends of the stick, because you refuse to actuall learn anything. No wonder the score is stuck at:

Reply Sun 15 Mar, 2015 07:57 am
Herald wrote:

...because in the theory of Evolution only the predators survive ...

0 Replies
Reply Sun 15 Mar, 2015 08:06 am
Herald wrote:

... my personal are God or some meta-intelligence (string theory) or s.th.; 30% another ILF, sending the designs on the Earth even through some form of teleportation or another form of encoded communication (it might have extinct already by the time the information has came here), and perhaps 25% of the Big Bang and the theory that we are made out of star dust (whatever this might mean) and fused with the time by the Dark Energy and Dark Matter....

Yeah. Take that to a freshman level science or philosophy class and see how much regard it's worth. And you honestly don't see why everybody here considers you to be a wingnut, beneath serious consideration? farmerman handed your ass to you over that "stochastic" bullshit you love to spew in such a pretentious, self-aggrandizing way. Time for you to put a little more research and effort into your presntation, homeboy. Laughing
Reply Sun 15 Mar, 2015 11:39 am
FBM wrote:
I have a degree in medical technology. Ask a specific question.
     ... and where have you acquired that degree: in the classical high school or in the Faculty of Philosophy that you are studying at present?
FBM wrote:
This has already been explained to you numerous times in explicit detail.
     Can you write in no more than 25 words without any external references, what exactly is standing behind that 'this'?
FBM wrote:
I've made it very clear. I'm denying that you have an argument comparable to that of the scientists.
     ... and I can tell you seriously that you don't have the IQ capacity to make that assessment. You have no reasoning functionality to make logical inferences ... even for the purposes of philosophy. BTW, where is you Buddhist humiliation, your peace of mind with yourself and with the world, your harmony with Nature and with the biosphere - you are full of aggression and disrespect to everything ... and from time to time have some problems with the concentration. All that you believe in at present is money and power and nothing else.
Reply Sun 15 Mar, 2015 06:46 pm
Herald wrote:

FBM wrote:
I have a degree in medical technology. Ask a specific question.
     ... and where have you acquired that degree: in the classical high school or in the Faculty of Philosophy that you are studying at present?

http://i206.photobucket.com/albums/bb192/DinahFyre/facepalm.gif A specific question about medical science, you maroon.

FBM wrote:
This has already been explained to you numerous times in explicit detail.
     Can you write in no more than 25 words without any external references, what exactly is standing behind that 'this'?

I sympathize with you if that's the limit of your intellectual capacity, but I am under no obligation to obey your restrictions, nor to repeat myself endlessly. Read the thread and pay attention this time.

FBM wrote:
I've made it very clear. I'm denying that you have an argument comparable to that of the scientists.
     ... and I can tell you seriously that you don't have the IQ capacity to make that assessment. You have no reasoning functionality to make logical inferences ... even for the purposes of philosophy. BTW, where is you Buddhist humiliation, your peace of mind with yourself and with the world, your harmony with Nature and with the biosphere - you are full of aggression and disrespect to everything ... and from time to time have some problems with the concentration. All that you believe in at present is money and power and nothing else.

Not hungry for red herring today, thanks. You can't explain why greenhouse gases absorb and emit radiation in the thermal infrared spectrum, nor can you explain the assumptions that scientists make in order to validate their global warming story. Therefore, there is no global warming and you're completely wrong for blindly trusting the scientists.
Reply Sun 15 Mar, 2015 07:27 pm
Herald wrote:

...What I claim is that you cannot exclude 100 % the option of having encoded communications in the data collected from the radio-telescope. I claim that you will never be able to prove that our conscience is 100% autonomous. ...

The fallacy of shifting the burden of proof. It's not up to anyone else to disprove your claims, Herod. It's up to you to prove them. This has been explained to you numerous times. Please pay attention.

Alien ILF/gods. Heh heh. There's a group for that: http://www.theplaidzebra.com/raelian-alien-scientists-designed-humans/

Raëlians believe that alien scientists designed humans. I went to one of their meetings.

I’m 15 minutes early for the November Raëlian meditation gathering. I have no idea what to expect. Aside from a few visits to church as a kid, I’ve never attended a spiritual meeting, let alone one for a group that Wikipedia describes as a “UFO religion.”

The Raëlian movement is far from conventional. It was founded by a man named Claude Vorilhon who once ran a successful car racing magazine in France called Autopop.

That changed in December 1973, when Vorilhon says he had an encounter with an extraterrestrial named Yahweh who explained the true origins of life on Earth, and tasked him with spreading those teachings.

Within a year, Vorilhon had given up his magazine, published a book about what he learned from Yahweh, and changed his name to Raël. He started making appearances on French radio and TV, and soon gained a following.

Raël writes in one of his books, Intelligent Design, that all living things on Earth were designed thousands of years ago by the scientists of an advanced civilization on another planet. They’re called the Elohim, a phrase that Raël says meant “those who came from the sky” in Ancient Hebrew.

According to Intelligent Design, many deities and prophets from various cultures were really Elohim messengers. Each one told the human race what was appropriate for that stage in our species’ development. Now that we’ve developed enough, Raël says the Elohim would like to meet us and have us know the truth.

Raëlians believe the Elohim will only come to Earth if humans show that we want them to. To do this, we must build an embassy. That’s the mission of the Raëlian movement. Believers have sent requests to governments all over the world for the land and rights needed to build the embassy.

A paper published by Washington and Lee University estimates that there are currently around 60,000 Raëlians in over 100 countries.

If you're not already a Raëlian, Herod, you should look into it. You'll find a lot of like-minded sympathy there, I think. http://i206.photobucket.com/albums/bb192/DinahFyre/hehe.gif
0 Replies
Reply Sun 15 Mar, 2015 09:38 pm
FBM wrote:
I have a degree in medical technology. Ask a specific question.
     Unfortunately this forum is neither about medical science, nor about over the counter technical equipment used in the psychotronics.
FBM wrote:
I sympathize with you if that's the limit of your intellectual capacity
     That is the limit of the people missing the generalization function in their reasoning. People like you may write ten-trillion-trillion words 'on idle mode', but they cannot make a simple systematic statement - which becomes very suspicious in the case when they use a pronoun identifier to designate a hypothetical piece of knowledge as an argument and there proves to be nothing.
     If you can't write what you have meant by 'this' in that post, there is very high probability for the rest of your posts to be 'air under pressure' as well.
Reply Sun 15 Mar, 2015 09:43 pm
So, anyway. If you can't personally explain how and why greenhouse gases absorb and emit radiation in the thermal infrared spectrum, then there is no global warming. If you can't explain all the assumptions made by the scientists who warn us about global warming, then there is no global warming.

Reply Sun 15 Mar, 2015 10:40 pm
FBM wrote:
So, anyway. If you can't personally explain how and why greenhouse gases absorb and emit radiation in the thermal infrared spectrum, then there is no global warming.
     You have been told that this blog is not about climate change. What more do you want to hear?
FBM wrote:
If you can't explain all the assumptions made by the scientists ...
     what about measuring them - directly.
     If you have something to add to your fake inference by analogy made here, taken from one discussion and illiterately stuck to another absolutely irrelevant and uncorrelated issue, you may feel free to proceed.
Reply Sun 15 Mar, 2015 10:42 pm
And you've been told why I'm doing this demonstration. If you use those arguments against the scientific cosmological model, then it's perfectly suitable to use the same approach towards your pseudo-scientific beliefs about climate change. You lose either way.

Reply Sun 15 Mar, 2015 10:51 pm
0 Replies
Reply Sun 15 Mar, 2015 11:14 pm
FBM wrote:
If you use those arguments against the scientific cosmological model
     they are ad hoc for the discussion here, and are not taken illiterately and stuck at random from any other discussion.
FBM wrote:
... then it's perfectly suitable to use the same approach towards your pseudo-scientific beliefs about climate change.
     No, it is not 'perfectly suitable' for you will have to have the preconditions for the inference by analogy (matching cases, matching assumptions, matching applicable inference, etc.).
     The real question is: Why do you bother at all to make inferences by analogy when you can't make an elementary generalization? The missing generalization function in the reasoning is critically fatal system error. Without the generalization one cannot make concepts, cannot structure and assess knowledge, cannot make verification and validation of newly acquired knowledge and data, etc. When somebody has such huge gap in the inference engine of his own reasoning, the mimicry on making some fake inferences by analogy over totally unmatched for analogy cases would be his least problem.
Reply Sun 15 Mar, 2015 11:19 pm
Nice attempt at evasion. If it's a breach of logic to demand that you explain all the minute details behind the science of global warming, then it's a breach of logic to demand it for the scientific cosmological model. It's a special pleading fallacy to assert otherwise. Look it up. You lose either way.

Reply Sun 15 Mar, 2015 11:29 pm
Reply Mon 16 Mar, 2015 01:52 pm
FBM wrote:
If it's a breach of logic to demand that you explain all the minute details behind the science of global warming.
     This blog is not about climate change. What more do you want to hear. If you want to open a blog on climate change - just do it.
FBM wrote:
... then it's a breach of logic to demand it for the scientific cosmological model.
      ... yet I haven't seen any of your cross-cultural misunderstandings of the 'scientific cosmological model'. Can you specify your favorite 'scientific cosmological model' in no more than 50 words, or you can't?

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