Intelligent Design vs. Casino Universe

Reply Tue 3 Mar, 2015 07:58 am
1. You've had the definition of 'theory' explained to you several times in great detail and in simple language, but you still don't know it. Guess what says about you. Derp.

2. Morality doesn't come only from religion and it's doubtful if any at all comes from it. If you need the threat of eternal damnation to motivate you to do good, then you're admitting that you're not a moral person, just selfish.

3. Lacking a belief in a hypothesis is not equivalent to rejecting the hypothesis. Logic fail. I'm sure you won't comprehend that.


Reply Tue 3 Mar, 2015 08:23 am
neo-darwinian "modern synthetic theory" of evolution, which is fading rapidly in status, from what I know (not a whole lot, actually). But for decades it was the "only game in town" and became rigid dogma amongst evolutionists.
How did you arrive at this conclusion? It seems to be a total refutation of what "neo Darwinian evolution" is even about.

neo-Darwinianism is an attempt to right a few of Darwin's own conclusions in his theory of natural selection. (Using Darwinian nat selection (without considering genetics), the various reproductively beneficial traits that are initially selected FOR, are actually (mathematically) diluted over successive generations whereas "neo Darwinian" mechanisms account for the combination and selection which modern Mendelian Gemetics acts as "a partner" with nat selection to achieve evolution.

So, your assertion that neo Darwinian thinking is " sinking out of favor" is quite incorrect. Your assertion IS a standard statement used by IDers and Creationists who wish to "sound intelligent" but don't wish to invest the time it takes tounderstand what the phrases even mean.

FBM-Heralds use of "stochastic" is another mindless assertion based on his complete misunderstanding of Natural Selection nd his desire to make it a world of "either, or".
Ive tried explaining in as simple terms as I can to no avail. SO **** IM.
Reply Tue 3 Mar, 2015 08:36 am
farmerman wrote:

FBM-Heralds use of "stochastic" is another mindless assertion based on his complete misunderstanding of Natural Selection nd his desire to make it a world of "either, or".
Ive tried explaining in as simple terms as I can to no avail. SO **** IM.

I've tried explaining in as simple terms as I can, too, but a bunker-buster couldn't get through that thick layer of denialism. It's a psychological thing, I guess.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 3 Mar, 2015 08:41 am
Goldschmidt's preachings were often given credit for being a kind of "neo Darwinian" thinking . However, his preching of concepts like mimetic evolution (mimicry based) or saltation (Stuff "Leapps" over intermediate forms in huge jumps) had made him a kind of "Poster Boy" for dumass thinking in everything he touched. Too bad because Goldschmidt made some real contributions and , like JSS HALDANE, will only be remembered for a bunch of whacky bits.
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Reply Tue 3 Mar, 2015 09:22 am
How did you arrive at this conclusion?...your assertion that neo Darwinian thinking is " sinking out of favor" is quite incorrect

Tons have been written on the topic, Farmer, and I really don't care to get into some extended discussion of what the modern synthetic theory is (or isn't), what it does (or doesn't do), its relative standing today, etc. I will reproduce a few excerpts from one (of many) who have addressed the topic. This author, a philosopher of science from Virginia Polytechnic, reviews several books written on the topic:

Neo-Darwinism has been rightly construed more as a treaty than a theory because it laid down terms that allowed evolutionists and practitioners of the new science of genetics (and more generally molecular biology) to work together under common presuppositions....

The synthesis was unquestionably of great value....The dominance of the synthetic theory, however, also allowed certain basic theoretical issues to be set aside before they had been firmly resolved on a satisfactory theoretical or evidential basis...

The synthetic theory of evolution is a moving target. Over its first 25 or 30 years the synthesis hardened, at least to some extent, into unexamined dogma (cf. Gould, 1983, or Eldredge, 1985, p. 100), sometimes dismissing viable alternatives on the basis of prejudgment rather than hard evidence.

During the early days, the very weakness of this compatibility claim was viewed as one of the strengths of the synthesis. In principle, virtually all of the known phenomena and patterns that ought to be explained by an evolutionary theory could be explained by the synthetic theory – and so it was not necessary to contemplate or turn to any rival theories. As the synthesis hardened, 'could be explained' turned into 'are explained', yielding outright dismissal of competing theories. To some this seemed to turn the synthetic theory into an a priori rather than an empirical doctrine.

Recently, theoretical and evidential considerations have led to wide recognition that the rate of morphological evolution does not correlate directly with the gross rate of molecular evolution...The relevant considerations are drawn from many sources, including the paleontological data used to support the theory of punctuated equilibrium, a variety of arguments based on new knowledge of the epigenetic mechanisms involved in ontogeny, arguments for the genomic acquisition of environmental information, and a mixture of theoretical and empirical studies of the rates and molecular mechanisms of genomic change.

These findings and various allied theories raise difficulties for the synthesis, difficulties that tend to elicit one of two characteristic responses. The first attempts to extend the synthesis by filling in missing knowledge (e.g., about the causes and evolutionary importance of biased variation) without altering its fundamental commitments. The second...seeks to replace the synthesis with an alternative theory or research program

The difficulty in choosing between these responses is considerably exacerbated by the confusion already illustrated over the proper content of the synthesis.

In summary, then, the challenges to the synthesis have reopened a large number of fundamental questions about evolutionary patterns and mechanisms...The pursuit of these questions has undermined some of our naive confidence that the classical account of evolutionary pattern as deriving almost wholly from adaptively undirected genetic variation plus differential survival and reproduction among organisms.


The usual caveat: I have quoted selectively from this paper. If you want the full flavor of what is being said you should read the entire article.

Right off the bat there are difficulties in even identifying what, exactly, the modern synthesis is. Again, not a topic I care to get into in depth, but I hope this is at least somewhat responsive to the question you raise. I do think (and not just because I'm trying to "sound intelligent," as you insinuate) that legitimate questions vigorously pursued by ID advocates made a significant contribution to what this author describes in the last paragraph I quoted.
Reply Tue 3 Mar, 2015 09:47 am
That's what I thought. Your interpretation is one of "This is so going away that we can get back to ID thinking"
That's not what Richard Burian has in mind at all. The "tons" of real scientific discussions about neo Darwinian thinking is the development of more of a scientific theoretical pluralism in the various bases of evolutionary thought. There is neo Darwinian natural selection and there is what we call "Evo-Devo" which is the genetics of how such things as epigenetics also fits in with the evolution of organisms.
Burian is not a bellwether to argue FOR the decline of evolutionary thought, he is asking for yet another way of presenting the "synthesis of all this evidence ".

IDers would like to feel that science is abandoning evolution. Its not, its seeking to become a much larger "big tent"

Reply Tue 3 Mar, 2015 09:47 am
That's what I thought. Your interpretation is one of "This is so going away that we can get back to ID thinking"
That's not what Richard Burian has in mind at all. The "tons" of real scientific discussions about neo Darwinian thinking is the development of more of a scientific theoretical pluralism in the various bases of evolutionary thought. There is neo Darwinian natural selection and there is what we call "Evo-Devo" which is the genetics of how such things as epigenetics also fits in with the evolution of organisms.
Burian is not a bellwether to argue FOR the decline of evolutionary thought, he is asking for yet another way of presenting the "synthesis of all this evidence ".

IDers would like to feel that science is abandoning evolution. Its not, its seeking to become a much larger "big tent"

Reply Tue 3 Mar, 2015 09:55 am
That's what I thought. Your interpretation is one of "This is so going away that we can get back to ID thinking"

Certainly not "my" interpretation. I am not an "ID-er." You seem to overlook the fact that the comments I made previously were very limited in scope, and that the modern synthesis was just mentioned as an illustrative example of another point I was trying to make.

Farmerman: IDers would like to feel that science is abandoning evolution. Its not, its seeking to become a much larger "big tent"

Burian: These findings and various allied theories raise difficulties for the synthesis, difficulties that tend to elicit one of two characteristic responses. The first attempts to extend the synthesis by filling in missing knowledge (e.g., about the causes and evolutionary importance of biased variation) without altering its fundamental commitments. The second...seeks to replace the synthesis with an alternative theory or research program

No question about which camp you fall into, Farmer. Needless to say, Burian is not the final arbiter of such questions. Who is? You?

PS: Nobody said (certainly not Burian) that "that science is abandoning evolution." Maybe you have misinterpreted what's been said. Maybe you are just creating a straw man to blow down because it draws more attention to one of your "pet peeves," I don't know. But I do think you are imputing to others positions which have not been taken.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 3 Mar, 2015 10:16 am
As I thought my original comments (and those following) made clear, I was simply drawing a contrast between the so-called "modern synthetic theory," and alternate theories of evolution.

You seem to think Neo-Darwinism IS (and only it is) "evolutionary theory." If so, you're not alone. But, then again, many (indeed, I would think most) contemporary evolutionary theorists disagree with that proposition.
Reply Tue 3 Mar, 2015 10:45 am
You can argue that ID advocates had a "hidden agenda," and that may be true. But, either way, the ID position, at least on its face, was NOT that science should "abandon" evolutionary theory.

Their main complaint seemed to be that Neo-Darwinism was routinely being presented to children as "scientific fact" that fully explained everything. What they wanted was for such children to at least be exposed to the proposition that maybe Neo-Darwinistic theory was not fact, but rather a theory which made certain ontological assumptions.

Other assumptions are possible. They are not "fact," either, of course. But even some highly respected, atheistic, pro-evolutionary thinkers agreed with some of the concerns of ID-ers.
Reply Tue 3 Mar, 2015 11:21 am
But even some highly respected, atheistic, pro-evolutionary thinkers agreed with some of the concerns of ID-ers.

Thomas Nagel, a famous and highly respected philosopher, comes to mind. Nagel is a devout atheist who rejects ID. He does NOT reject evolution.

That said, a couple of years ago he wrote a book entitled: "Mind & Cosmos."

The subtitle was: "Why the Materialist Neo-Darwinian Conception of Nature is Almost Certainly False."

One comment he made was:

I realize that such doubts [about Darwinian naturalism] will strike many people as outrageous, but that is because almost everyone in our secular culture has been browbeaten into regarding the reductive research program as sacrosanct, on the ground that anything else would not be science.

He clearly disagrees with any claim that "anything else would not be science," which is a common refrain heard from those who adhere to a reductionistic, mechanistic, materialist's view of what constitutes "evidence."
cicerone imposter
Reply Tue 3 Mar, 2015 11:29 am
ha ha ha ha.......show us one post where creationists on a2k considers evolution as an acceptable theory?

Young earth creationists can't reconcile their bible and evolution. They can't have it both ways. If they can, they're in complete denial of what the bible says.
Reply Tue 3 Mar, 2015 11:49 am
@cicerone imposter,
ha ha ha ha.......show us one post where creationists on a2k considers evolution as an acceptable theory?

What is it you're laughing about, Cicer? Are you equating "creationists" with highly sophisticated and skilled thinkers like Nagel? Is the whole issue one of "evolutionists" vs. "creationists" to you?
0 Replies
Reply Tue 3 Mar, 2015 01:54 pm
many (indeed, I would think most) contemporary evolutionary theorists disagree with that proposition.
Im always disagreeing with myself. "Evo/Devo" seems to be a summarization of how the aspects of genetics , epigenetics gene expression, apoptosis, full-on extinction etc. do NOT have to dismiss anything in neo Dawrwinian thought. His thinking was based upon 5 fundamental "Theories" affecting evolution (or transmutation as he called it) and his overall theory, while basically accurate was limited without a mechanism (His own derived "mechanism" did not work at all, since within 6 generations, his "favoured traits" would be diluted out of existence). Therefore everything , since Mendel has been an oops"we forgot to add..."

Darwin would be damned surprised and proud about how correct he was in most areas, and most ALL scientists involved in an area of evolutionary inquiry would submit his idea as probably the greatest single idea of the last millennium.

G J Romanes term for it "neoDarwinism" , no matter how many codicils are added will still basically define "What Evolution IS" (as E Mayr stated)

Reply Tue 3 Mar, 2015 01:59 pm
The subtitle was: "Why the Materialist Neo-Darwinian Conception of Nature is Almost Certainly False."

He Is certainly allowed to try to huckster anything he wishes. When he gets done trying to understand what "evidence" even entails, the world will have moved another half millennium ahead.

Not Nagel fn. First rn into hi thinking in "Whats a Bat think" or something like that in a paleo course in 75 or 76. We were buy diassembling his" nihilo reduction" ****. It was a lot of fun. He still alive?

0 Replies
Reply Tue 3 Mar, 2015 03:31 pm
G J Romanes term for it "neoDarwinism" , no matter how many codicils are added will still basically define "What Evolution IS" (as E Mayr stated)

For what it's worth Allen MacNeill said (and many agree):

I've been saying, teaching (at Cornell), and writing this since at least 1995, most recently in my audiobook "Evolutionary Biology.". It's good to know that other evolutionary biologists are finally beginning to accept what should have been obvious even before Steve Gould published his magnum opus.

He was referring to this claim, made by Gould (the Harvard Professor) back in 1980:

It does not seem reasonable to refer to modern evolutionary theory as "Darwinism," "neo-Darwinism," or the "Modern Synthesis," since all of these terms refer to a version of evolutionary theory that has been modified to such an extent that the old-fashioned terminology is just confusing.

The "Modern Synthesis" is dead. Long live modern evolutionary theory.


That was 1980, 35 years ago. Since then, the gap between "modern evolutionary theory" and "neo-Darwinism," or the "Modern Synthesis," has gotten much, much wider.

More from Macneill:

The concept of natural selection as the foundation of evolutionary change has been largely superseded, mostly through the work of Motoo Kimura, Tomoko Ohta, and others, who have shown both theoretically and empirically that natural selection has little or no effect on the vast majority of the genomes of most living organisms.


Natural selection is THE main pillar of Darwinism and Neo-Darwinism (the modern synthesis). As it pertains to ID advocates, MacNeill says:

The rise of evo-devo over the past two decades has laid the groundwork for a completely new and empirically testable theory of macroevolution, a theory that is currently facilitating exponential progress in our understanding of how major evolutionary transitions happen. And iconoclasts like Lynn Margulis, Eva Jablonka, Marian Lamb, Mary Jane West-Eberhard, and David Sloan Wilson are rapidly overturning our understanding of how evolutionary change happens at all levels, and how it is inherited.

So, as I have said many times before, when ID supporters set their sights on “neo-Darwinism” as a target for criticism, they set their sights on a model that has been all but abandoned.

Reply Tue 3 Mar, 2015 09:38 pm
FBM wrote:
Lacking a belief in a hypothesis is not equivalent to rejecting the hypothesis.
     In math logic belief is the degree to which you believe something is true or not. If you do't believe in something 100%, you are 100% convinced that it is absolutely false.
Reply Tue 3 Mar, 2015 09:44 pm
farmerman wrote:
FBM-Heralds use of "stochastic" is another mindless assertion based on his complete misunderstanding of Natural Selection nd his desire to make it a world of "either, or".Ive tried explaining in as simple terms as I can to no avail. SO **** IM.
     You cannot explain anything FM. You cannot explain any natural or supernatuiral selection unless you explain the generation of the code and from where comes the information needed to generate the code. Your theory that if you throw enough in number iPhones on the depository, some of them will not make it, and some of them somehow will become brand new models with new OS, and will be selected later from there by the customers, simply does not work in practice. Hybridization of grain is not design of grain code and the idea to copyrighting it is a masterpiece of the greed and stupidity - and you are not even able to understand why.
Reply Tue 3 Mar, 2015 09:50 pm
Herald wrote:

FBM wrote:
Lacking a belief in a hypothesis is not equivalent to rejecting the hypothesis.
     In math logic belief is the degree to which you believe something is true or not. If you do't believe in something 100%, you are 100% convinced that it is absolutely false.

What's your point? We're not talking about math logic. You believe in something for which you have absolutely no evidence. I refuse to claim to know anything more than the fact that your argument sucks balls compared to that for contemporary science. You can't come up with any evidential support for your belief, so you fail to convince anybody. You're dead in the water without evidence, homie.
Reply Tue 3 Mar, 2015 10:21 pm
FBM wrote:
What's your point?
     The point is that you are lying - you don't believe 0% both in the Big Bang 'theory' and ID. Your 0% belief in the Big Bang 'theory' I accept as absolute inability to formulate what exactly the theory is saying, how and why. We are not talking about the assumptions yet.
FBM wrote:
We're not talking about math logic.
     If you don't even know how the belief revision works, how do you make extreme assessments and present them as axiomatic truth of the last resort?
FBM wrote:
You believe in something for which you have absolutely no evidence.
     Evidence like yours - something taken from one set of processes, and attached without any justification to absolutely different set, made on the grounds of fake inference by analogy on inverted processes - yes, I don't have such evidence, but you will have to prove that this can be evidence at all. You will have to prove that because the collapse of a Neutron star can create (which is also disputable) a black hole and Singularity (that nobody has ever observed except for on paper) this process can operate in reverse, starting with Singularity appearing 'all of a sudden' and 'out of nowhere' with some Infinite Temperature and some Infinite Gravity (without collapse of a Neutron star) and without having any force carrier and can execute the creation (which is a brand new process and in physics means that you should have some materials and assumptions before that) of the Universe as we know it - 4% known matter and energy; 80% Dark Matter; and 16% Dark energy.
      How exactly your Big Bang 'theory' has created the Dark Energy and the Dark Matter when you don't even know what that might be ... but you know for sure that the things have happened that way, for you have a 'lot of evidence'?
      Where is your evidence about the existence of the Singularity in the end of the Black Hole?
      Where is your evidence that anything can exist without a Time component (before launching the Time in the Universe)?
      Where is your evidence that the Infinite Gravitation (actually in the case with the black holes it is immeasurable by the present day techniques) can appear out of a Singularity, appearing on its part 'out of Nowhere', and 'out of Nothing'?
      Where is your evidence that Dark Matter and Dark Energy exist at all? - it may be some property of the medium when the light travels through it - a curve through space that has better conductivity to light - it is not necessary to be gravitation and deformation of time and space (whatever deformation of Time may mean).
      ... and where is your evidence that you can participate in a dilemma ID-BB when you believe in both 0% (assign to them truth value of 0 according to your own claims), but you take steadily one of the parts. How do you assess which one of the two zeros is the better one?

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