FBM wrote:Look it up. There's a lot of real research that has been done, published and made available to the public.
No, you look up. This talk is too general and to abstract to be viewed as any argument at all. Do you have any plausible explanation of the Infinite Temperature or not - how do you explain the existence of the Infinity in the physical world in the first place, and after that applied to your definition of Temperature (if you have ever had any of the kind).
FBM wrote: How much research has been done, published and made available to the public about your 'personal 45% god/alien/ILF-of-the-gaps'?
Much more than you can possibly imagine ... and ever will be able to understand. If we don't count the huge file repository of NASA with data and analysis of any kind, the database of the radio telescope, the project ISIS of KGB that (has gone into the Dimension X), only the hypothesis of Carl Sagan and Stephen Hawking that having in mind the
vast size and the
consistent physical laws of the observable Universe (if we exclude of course the Big Bang 'theory' - this note is mine) it is
highly improbable for life not to exist somewhere other than the Earth, should be enough to you. Do you know how much is
highly improbable not to exist as a number (in %) - made on the basis of the expert estimate of some of the top physicists of the present day?
FBM wrote:Have you ever seen it? Has anybody?
... and have you ever seen your own soul ... or intelligence? So, you can freely claim that you have no intelligence and have never had any ... as you have not collected enough evidence of it & you have never observed it ... on the telescope.