A mathematical asymptote, yes. Observation always trumps mathematical models and a priori rationalizations. That's why we need to see some observational data to support Herod's god-alien-ILF hypothesis.
0 Replies
Wed 11 Feb, 2015 09:08 am
@Frank Apisa,
No need to behave so defensively, Frank. Nobody's going to gut or anything. Relax!
I just hope you keep not throwing yourself in front of those rather persistent and hard-body illusions called 'buses'... You could hurt yourself really bad.
How to science: A tutorial for the denialist wingnuts...Get your ass out of your arm-chair conspiracy theories and mystic, science fiction supernaturalism...
Synopsis: Two New Particles Enter the Fold
Published February 10, 2015
Physicists at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) have detected two never-before-seen subatomic particles. These Ξb particles were predicted by the quark model and estimated to have masses roughly six times that of the proton, but previous experiments have not run at high enough energy to produce these massive particles. The detections offer new precision measurements of the Ξb masses, which will place tighter constraints on particle physics theories.
Quarks come in three families: up/down, strange/charm, and bottom/top. In 2007, physicists observed the first particle with one quark from each family: Ξ−b, consisting of one bottom, one strange, and one down quark, giving it a negative charge of −1. However, this is just the lowest mass version of this three-family quark combination. Quark theory predicts the existence of two higher mass cousins of Ξ−b, called Ξ′−b and Ξ∗−b, which are characterized by their spin of 1/2 and 3/2, respectively.
To confirm the existence of these short-lived Ξ−b particles, the LHCb experiment at CERN looked for evidence of Ξ−b decays in data from proton-proton collisions at energies of 7 and 8 tera-electron-volts. Specifically, they investigated decays into a neutral Ξ0b and a negatively charged pion (π−). They observed signatures for two particles at masses of 5935 and 5955 mega-electron-volts, corresponding to Ξ′−b and Ξ∗−b. The results came as a surprise, as many models predicted that the Ξ′−b was not massive enough to decay through this route, and a search at another CERN experiment had not found the equivalent decay of a closely related particle Ξ′0b. Using the new, very precise mass measurements, theorists will be able to improve their models—specifically those that predict the mass of other quark-based particles.
This research is published in Physical Review Letters.
Reference cited because I don't plagiarize. *cough*
0 Replies
Frank Apisa
Wed 11 Feb, 2015 09:41 am
Olivier5 wrote:
No need to behave so defensively, Frank. Nobody's going to gut or anything. Relax!
I'm more "relaxed" than Perry Como was.
Relax yourself!
Stop starting these things...or...continue to entertain me by continuing to start 'em.
As usual...I will finish them.
I just hope you keep not throwing yourself in front of those rather persistent and hard-body illusions called 'buses'... You could hurt yourself really bad.
Yer really grasping here, Olivier. Once again I gotta ask:
Math is talking about another reality altogether, which calls for its own concepts. Are you saying that your philosophy is talking about another reality altogether?
Téléphone - Dure Limite
.... Et le mur de Berlin n'a pas,
N'a pas de fin
Non le mur de Berlin,
T'en a un, j'en ai un
Il coupe la terre en deux,
Comme une grosse pomme
Il coupe ta tête en deux,
Comme la première pomme
Un peu
Il coupe ta tête en deux
Et te fais femme ou homme
Si tu veux
Il serpente entre deux terres
Et te fais faire toutes les guerres
Toutes les guerres
Math is talking about another reality altogether, which calls for its own concepts.
Oh, Olivier, that was not an especially adept attempt to divert. But I always give credit for a try. So...nice try.
I did not ask about what Math was talking about. I asked about your comment:
This seems to vindicate my perception that the big bang singularity is more of a limit (in the math sense of a value that a function can get very close to but never reach) than an actual event.
Whatever the reasoning...you were attempting here to show that you were using the word "limit" in a specific context...presumably because you could have used it differently in another context.
C'mon...you can acknowledge when you've screwed up. The Earth almost certainly will not be knocked off its axis if that ever happens.
Are you saying that your philosophy is talking about another reality altogether?
You may have missed this, by my take on that is...whatever is...IS.
The REALITY is whatever it is.
I am not speculating on the REALITY, because I acknowledge that I do not know the true nature of the REALITY of existence. (You may have missed that also!)
So...anyway...how is it going down there? Ready to put the shovel aside for a bit?
Yes, words may assume different meanings depending on the context. As long as you actually can define those different meanings (as I did in my post to FBM), you should be fine. Can you?
Ok. I was wrong. It turns out that these buses ARE illusions after all. Good things will happen if you jump in front of them. Go ahead.
0 Replies
Frank Apisa
Wed 11 Feb, 2015 11:28 am
Olivier5 wrote:
Yes, words may assume different meanings depending on the context. As long as you actually can define those different meanings (as I did in my post to FBM), you should be fine. Can you?
And I have mentioned that I use the word "know" differently in different contexts...and have given examples of what I mean and how I use them.
But you apparently want to continue to dig...and I am delighted to watch you do it.
I don't care for your meaningless examples. You cannot DEFINE what you mean by 'know' in different contexts? You probably have no idea what exact difference you have in mind...
I haven't seen a definition from you. Examples that mean very little, yes. I don't think you actually know much about that difference. You just 'feel' that there is a difference of meaning. Otherwise, you would be able to explain it rationally.
I haven't seen a definition from you. Examples that mean very little, yes. I don't think you actually know much about that difference. You just 'feel' that there is a difference of meaning. Otherwise, you would be able to explain it rationally.
Actually, I have done it dozens of times here in A2K.
You must have closed your eyes when I did.
Your problem...not mine.
They're there...look for 'em if you can't figure it out.
Boy you are determined to keep at it. Gonna try to dig to China, huh?
And of course, you absolutely CANNOT repeat that definition one more time, since you hate to repeat yourself, as we all know...
You are not looking for information on what I mean, Olivier...you are looking to mock and ridicule.
You would do well to read your own post more carefully...and you will find lots of places and crap to mock and ridicule. And the fact that I am not playing into your amateurish chiding is getting to you.
In any case, understanding the difference between using "know" in a philosophical discussion about the true nature of REALITY...and using "know" in a casual conversation about where I do my writing at home...
I admit a penchant for mocking. Some people around here make that penchant very hard to resist, though. Including those who postulate differences that they are totally incapable of explaining or defining... or those pontificating about how they know so well that it's impossible to know anything... Much mental garbage gets dumped on this MB.
I admit a penchant for mocking. Some people around here make that penchant very hard to resist, though.
You certainly have a penchant for it...and you indulge the penchant frequently.
If I were you (horrible thought) I'd get use to the idea of people brushing you off rather than playing into your mocking, childish chiding. It's gonna happen a lot.
Including those who postulate differences that they are totally incapable of explaining or defining...
Have no idea of whom you're talking about here, Olivier. I am not such a person. But the mocking, childish chiding is adorable.
...or those pontificating about how they know so well that it's impossible to know anything...
I've never done that, so you cannot mean me. But the mocking, childish chiding is absolutely adorable.
Much mental garbage gets dumped on this MB.
Don't know what an MB is, but you certainly dump lots of mental garbage here in A2K. Must be from all the stress involved in digging as much as you do.
If I were you (horrible thought) I'd get use to the idea of people brushing you off rather than playing into your mocking, childish chiding. It's gonna happen a lot.
Mocking is not childish in nature; rather it is an excellent and fast way of deflating those dolls full of hot air who take themselves so damn seriously, such as yourself. And these hot air dolls don't really "brush" anyone, you know? They attempt some vague gesture in my general direction before flattening out on the flour...
If I were you (horrible thought) I'd get use to the idea of people brushing you off rather than playing into your mocking, childish chiding. It's gonna happen a lot.
Mocking is not childish in nature; rather it is an excellent and fast way of deflating those dolls full of hot air who take themselves so damn seriously, such as yourself. And these hot air dolls don't really "brush" anyone, you know? They attempt some vague gesture in my general direction before flattening out on the flour...
You may be right on most of that, Olivier...I'll give you that.
But YOUR mocking is both amateurish and childish...and I was only talking about your stuff...not mocking in general.