Gould had nothing to do with the bit of forensics of which I spoke. He only did a brief summary article in 1989 of work that predated his article by at least 3 decades. As we know Kenneth Oakley L G Clark and J Weiner did the forensics on several facial bone specimens that were "hooked up by chemical treatment" as to represent one individual . These specimens were actually collected by Woodward Dawson, AND Father Pierre Teilhard de Chardin , and Arthur Keith (another but important member of the group). The skull segments and jawbone were all treated with K Dichromate to artificially "age them" and, in their submission to the
Bulletin of the British Museum, Oakley presented "all the evidence for a perfectly executed and carefully prepared fraud".The one who had the most training in the application oof Dichromate "dye" was, of course teilhardThere was the fact that Teilhard did digging at a site with Dawson and Woodward . AND there was a single artifact (a tooth) that Teilhard supplied to the entire reconstruction of the "Eoanthropus face"
Oakley, in his article did not openly implicate the main trio (and Keith) as the perps in print but the entire story was well known because Teilhard had submitted one of the skullcaps with his own initials on the sample (UNDER the dichromate"sheen"., which was applied by one of his expertise, and of course, there was the tooth.
This was in 1953.
In Frank Spencers 1990 book
Piltdown,A Scientific Forgery, Spencer presents several detailed account of how several earlier workers had implicated Teilhard as being one of the key perps in the hoax.
Among the earlier "anti-Teilhard' critics was Louis Leakey who considered the available field data and the "found canine tooth" that was supplied by Father Pierre. Leakey had interviewed Tielhard ( who was claiming innocence to the fraud to the public ).
Leakey claimed that Teilhard (and this was a few months before his sudden death), had all but admitted to being a key partner in the hoax.
In Teilhard's defense, he claimed that(many years after the deaths of the other perps), Dawson showed Teilhard a different site than the Piltdown dig. So his "canine" which was married with the loer jawbone of Piltdown, wasn't even from the correct site. So Teilhard implied that he was , also a victim of the hoax.Thhat did not make sense at all. Even if it were a wrong site, how then , could Teilhard "marry" the tooth to the jaw? DID HE SUPPLY THE ORIGINAL JAW?
Spensers book is much more a dispassionate assembly of the "preponderance of evidence'' against several of the cast of characters and the data surrounding the case. Teilhard is only one whose looked at under a scope
Gould was only one of many who implied that the priest wasn't practicing his vows . Was Teilhard merely trying to become a media sensation?