parados wrote: Then we are left with the question of how do you explaion the intelligence of that higher leve without assuming something that is of a higher level? And then how do you explain that next level.
If the assumptions are as you present them - it looks like this, but there are a lot of other options as well.
Suppose there is higher intelligence. It is not obligatory for our intelligence to be a derivative of it - it may be a subset of it, formed by some constraints. The question where does the intelligence of the metaphysics come from is not our problem for we don't even have the assumptions to speculate on that.
The other case is: our intelligence is the first and still the best ... in our Universe. O.K., so far so good, but there is some little problem: how can an intelligence appear out of whatever through evolution. You have a bullion of amino-acids, you have a lightning and voila: life appears and starts making some logical inferences - how does that happen? If our intelligence is evolutionary product, why don't we have any memories of what it actually is, and how it has appeared, in the first place?
parados wrote:Your argument falls apart quickly ...
This is wonderful news but don't you have any fresh ideas about what are the actual processes underlying our own intelligence ... for we cannot speak about other types of intelligence since we have not detected so far anything of the kind.