You, personally, by claiming that the aminoacids are simple polymers and nothing else
a "polymer" isnt jut a thing of a chemical group(like a sugar or an aliphatic). It recognizes that the structure of a chemical is composed of a long chain of shorter chemicals. Its not a "what", its more of a "How"
Anyway, I was more likely referring to proteins (as the ultimate product of a type of polymerization called a peptide link). I probably said that amino acids or proteins are SIMPLY polymeric structures.
Quote: ... confess that you don't know almost anything about life and biology and that the hybridization of the species that you are doing in the form of GMO vicius practices is actually short stories of the unexpected and comprises most probably less than 1% of the whole knowledge and the information needed to understand the processes.

I have to chuckle because You actually construct "polymeric" sentences. The above paragraph ( although somewhat run-on) makes no sense but it sorta demonstrates how a polymer gets together from a bunch of monomers. somewhere you've dropped the linkage part (the part of each little phrase that DID make sense).
youre a hoot. I think that all this nonsense you've compiled is just n ESL exercise.
PS, I readily admit that Im ignorant of a lot of stuff. That's really what gets me going to work. As far as things of "A same age" , you seem to deny that life has appeared on this planet, at different times in areas that were often separated by a billion years or so. Most of these areas were in geologic provinces that were also separated from the other areas by ocean and subductive mountain ranges. So, in several cases, life has appeared in different times at different places that maybe were separated from each other. Pretty neat eh?