PS, maybe Quahog should contact Gungasnake to have lunch and go over thir "lists of"scientists who are Fundamentalist Christians FIRST". Its way more than the few measlies you've presented.
One thing about being a Fundy in a university milieu, it guarantees you an immediate audience and pretty good protective cover . Outfits like the Dicovery Institute will track you down and ply you with some of the Amonson money to support your core research nd your"serch for intelligence" can take a position in which you can write Op Eds on the subject (BECAUSE THERE REALLY ISNT ANY RESEARCH PATH THAT CAN LEAD YOU TO THE CONCLUSION YOU WISH)
All the promised research about "universal Intelligence" and Biblio paleontology has been debunked at every turn. (This is ID's dirty little secret)
Anybody see any ID RESEARCH lately???
Its all done by op ed or some wag doing another statistical "proof"
The script is well scripted and the methods are well thought out. This is the only "Science" that is totally unscientific.
1. They conclude that a "universal Intelligence did it all" (hint: insert GOD for universal intelligence
2. Then they sorta go out nd do a half assed search for evidence
(So far, its the number 2 that's been missing to these "scientists")
Im not gonna say that theyre all full of number 2 , that would be so crude of me.