Intelligent Design vs. Casino Universe

Reply Sun 7 Sep, 2014 01:00 pm
the intellectual and practical activity encompassing the systematic study of the structure and behavior of the physical and natural world through observation and experiment.

Niceely writen. But the question is, is it all true? Errr...No!

Use some thinking of your own instead of parroting the official fairy tale, because that is what it is.
One Eyed Mind
Reply Sun 7 Sep, 2014 09:30 pm
Que, you cannot call somebody's response a fairy tale, when you live in one yourself. This would be a matter of projecting. The way it works is, your brain is trying to shift the burden, so while you're the one that lives in a fairy tale, you're telling others that they do instead, that way you can confuse yourself into believing that it's not you that lives in a fairy tale. The human brain is very fascinating.
Reply Sun 7 Sep, 2014 11:45 pm
@One Eyed Mind,
Que, you cannot call somebody's response a fairy tale, when you live in one yourself. This would be a matter of projecting. The way it works is, your brain is trying to shift the burden, so while you're the one that lives in a fairy tale, you're telling others that they do instead, that way you can confuse yourself into believing that it's not you that lives in a fairy tale. The human brain is very fascinating.

Well, what is my fairy tale according to you?

Maybe it isn't a fairy tale.

And I write this after years of research. I didn't make it up.

One Eyed Mind
Reply Sun 7 Sep, 2014 11:47 pm
You insulted someone, which means you have an issue. Can you tell me, right now, that you do not have an issue, when you insulted a stranger on the internet? Considering that you do not agree with them, so you insult them, what makes you think you have the "truth", when you do not open yourself to other people's takes?
Reply Sun 7 Sep, 2014 11:51 pm
@One Eyed Mind,
You insulted someone, which means you have an issue. Can you tell me, right now, that you do not have an issue, when you insulted a stranger on the internet? Considering that you do not agree with them, so you insult them, what makes you think you have the "truth", when you do not open yourself to other people's takes?

Oh you read it like that? Well first of all, it really wasn't ment as an insult. I really, really mean it. I have no reason to insult anyone.
BUT, some people may be insulted because I attack their 'religion(science) '.
Well, I just tell how it is because I am looking for truth,
If someone is insulted by that, so be it.
But insulting is not my intent at all.
One Eyed Mind
Reply Sun 7 Sep, 2014 11:57 pm
The religion is not "science", friend. The religion is the need to "box in" life when life is free. Life is not meant for us to capture it and use it for ourselves; life is everywhere, so again, I understand, but once again, you have failed to properly arrange what words to use to best accurately express the corruption of mental establishments that have no regard for the human brain and the electromagnetic waves which encompass every object and concept of this world.
Reply Mon 8 Sep, 2014 12:03 am
You know what you really are.... a D~H. this can mean... Dumb Hoer a Diddle doer or perhaps a Dick head... take your pick.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 8 Sep, 2014 12:05 am
@One Eyed Mind,
The religion is not "science", friend. The religion is the need to "box in" life when life is free. Life is not meant for us to capture it and use it for ourselves; life is everywhere, so again, I understand, but once again, you have failed to properly arrange whatthat have no regard for the human brain and the electromagnetic waves which encompass every object and concept of this world.

Strange, partly you seem to 'get it'and partly not.
As I have explained in another threasd, yes, science is a religion.

I am with you on the wave thing.

And I lost you here, too vague for my taste:

words to use to best accurately express the corruption of mental establishments
One Eyed Mind
Reply Mon 8 Sep, 2014 12:12 am
No, you read nonsense on the internet. There's a reason why this place is full of people who say "WE KNOW THE TRUTH", no they do not. Ask any wise man what the truth is, and they will simply reflect on life in question, which reveals the truth without having to create an underground site on the internet full of NONSENSE.

I know this Universe more than anyone. I know People more than anyone. You need to let go of these conspiracy theories, because they are toys people created to occupy themselves on the internet, because they have nothing else better to do in life, so they create stories and turn it into a false reality. It's called the ILLUSION OF KNOWLEDGE. The part where you said "don't get it" and "get it", is because YOU let yourself get caught up in people's VOIDS.
Reply Mon 8 Sep, 2014 12:17 am
@One Eyed Mind,
No, you read nonsense on the internet.

That is only your conclusion. I don't have read nonsense on the internet.
I have rearched these things for years.
I understand you HOPE I have read this nonsense from the internet/
That's something different.

There's a reason why this place is full of people who say "WE KNOW THE TRUTH", no they do not. Ask any wise man what the truth is, and they will simply reflect on life in question, which reveals the truth without having to create an underground site on the internet full of NONSENSE.

You lost me here.

I know this Universe more than anyone. I know People more than anyone. You need to let go of these conspiracy theories, because they are toys people created to occupy themselves on the internet, because they have nothing else better to do in life, so they create stories and turn it into a false reality. It's called the ILLUSION OF KNOWLEDGE. The part where you said "don't get it" and "get it", is because YOU let yourself get caught up in people's VOIDS.

Well, you just proved to me you have no idea what you are talking about, that is for sure. And I never said I have all the answers, but you just did!
(I know this Universe more than anyone. I know People more than anyone.)
And really, based on your postings, I really think you have no clue at all.

One Eyed Mind
Reply Mon 8 Sep, 2014 12:25 am
Yes, you have.

You will go nowhere with a conspiracy theory.
Reply Mon 8 Sep, 2014 01:12 am
@One Eyed Mind,
Yes, you have.

You will go nowhere with a conspiracy theory.

your postings are becoming kind of well...strange,

No arguments, nothing,

0 Replies
Reply Mon 8 Sep, 2014 10:02 pm
@cicerone imposter,
cicerone imposter wrote:
the process by which different kinds of living organisms are thought to have developed and diversified from earlier forms
     Haven't you paid attention that the keyword here is 'are thought to' in the sense 'be of the opinion of' (without any direct and sustainable evidences or proves).
cicerone imposter wrote:
the gradual development of something, especially from a simple to a more complex form.
     One cannot postulate a theory by axiomatic definition. A theory has to be proved - it is not an axiom to acquaint the population with.
cicerone imposter wrote:
Show us by example(s) why science and evolution are 'at different levels of conceptualization?'
   Science is systematic and formulated knowledge. 'Systematic' means structured and justified, clean of any contradictions. Evolution, in the capacity of pretending to be part (Evolutionary Biology) of a scientific branch (Biology) - pay attention that this is two levels beneath the general concept of science - should also be structured and justified, and clean of any contradictions ... and casual statements, like for example 'again that proves you fail to understand what science and evolution are'.
cicerone imposter
Reply Mon 8 Sep, 2014 10:11 pm
Okay, I'll admit that was a poor definition for 'evolution.' It seems the person who quoted that definition was trained in the same misinformation about evolution. Here's a much better and more thourough definition; ref#3 as it applies to biology.
[ev-uh-loo-shuh n or, esp. British, ee-vuh-] Spell Syllables
Synonyms Examples Word Origin
1. any process of formation or growth; development:
the evolution of a language; the evolution of the airplane.
2. a product of such development; something evolved :
The exploration of space is the evolution of decades of research.
3. Biology. change in the gene pool of a population from generation to generation by such processes as mutation, natural selection, and genetic drift.
4. a process of gradual, peaceful, progressive change or development, as in social or economic structure or institutions.
5. a motion incomplete in itself, but combining with coordinated motions to produce a single action, as in a machine.
6. a pattern formed by or as if by a series of movements:
the evolutions of a figure skater.
7. an evolving or giving off of gas, heat, etc.
Reply Tue 9 Sep, 2014 12:33 pm
@cicerone imposter,
cicerone imposter wrote:
Okay, I'll admit that was a poor definition for 'evolution.'
     You cannot 'admit' anything for this is the definition of the Concise Oxford Dictionary, based on the Oxford English Dictionary and its Supplements. With all due respect but you do not have the IQ level to dispute. litigate, and debate that definition.
cicerone imposter wrote:
It seems the person who quoted that definition was trained in the same misinformation about evolution.
     It seems that you hardly understand 20% of the world in which you are living.
cicerone imposter wrote:
Here's a much better and more thourough definition
     Much better in terms of what - cherry picking and confirmation bias perhaps. Don't you understand that this is a road to nowhere. There is no way to arrive anywhere in that way.
cicerone imposter wrote:
Biology. change in the gene pool of a population from generation to generation by such processes as mutation, natural selection, and genetic drift.
     Can you provide an example for the appearance of a new species on the grounds of mutation, natural selection, and genetic drift. Are you curious to know how does your mutation looks like. Watch this for example: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dwp6_o_PcgY
Why don't you explain to us how many new species have emerged out of that case of mutation. Pay attention that the dental surgery should not have imposed any changes to the DNA & the RNA sequences, having caused that misfortune ... and its hereditary abilities ... according to your fake theory.
     If you are talking just so ... to avoid falling asleep - this is another issue.
     This case shows also something else - it shows that any lost teeth, anywhere throughout the normal row of teeth could be recovered to its former glory if only you and FM knew what you are talking about ... and where and how the genetics driving this is encoded.
Reply Tue 9 Sep, 2014 12:48 pm
Dictionaries define words. They don't quantify science. But what the hell, you seem to rely on everything but science for your science ideas.
One Eyed Mind
Reply Tue 9 Sep, 2014 04:04 pm
I like to call them distinctionaries.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 9 Sep, 2014 10:29 pm
@One Eyed Mind,
One Eyed Mind wrote:
You will go nowhere with a conspiracy theory
     The only conspiracy theory here is the Big Bang 'theory' itself.
     1. It is based on the assumption that only physicists have the exclusive right to pronounce on the origin and the 'creation' of the Universe.
     2. The fake physical and scientific interpretations are accessible to, and possessed to the extent of personal property by 'specialists' only. No other people are at the level to understand that the so called Time-Space Continuum is impossible to exist in the physical world. This is intra-branch secret for intra-branch use only.
     3. The greatest conspiracy however is the statute 'above the law' of the Big Bang in the capacity of a theory to which the laws of physics are not only not to be applied, but these laws do not concern it at all.
     This type of reasoning raises the understanding for the concept of conspiracy at a brand new level of 'science' ... and 'scientific reasning'.
One Eyed Mind
Reply Tue 9 Sep, 2014 11:00 pm
Or maybe it's because it's the best evidence we have, hence why it's called a "theory" - and that a "theory" isn't equivalent to saying god exists, as there's no evidence, thus it's not a theory, but a belief, so you can try to play word games with me, but you would be arguing with the wrong person, for I am known for my talent in words and the amount of detail and distinction I bring out of each word that is spoken/written.
Reply Wed 10 Sep, 2014 06:59 am
geez, Herald, you don'te even pay attention to your own cites, let alone the aabundant evidence presented for evolution. The case of the kid with the 232 teeth had NOTHING to do with evolution or DNA. As the audio clearly states, he had a benign tumor and benign tumors can screw with tooth buds and produce, among other effects, supernumerary teeth asw you would know if you That has absolutely nothing to do with his DNA. It was NOT a mutation.
And if you want us to point out speciation caused by mutation, natural selection, genetic drift, jumping genes, etc. , that's simple: all species.

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