@Frank Apisa,
The only thing I would have against republicans today, Frank, and their one agenda especially, is that they are compromising too much, so they should call themselves "Demopublicans"
In that sense, yes, I would absolutely agree with you, and everyone who support that would be nuts. Hilary is more republican than some republicans. And i tell you one thing about her: she might have no moral ethics and has very conspiratorial nature, but she is strong, decisive and she would be 10 times better then Obama is. And, of course being democrat, she is street-smart. She knows how to get out of trouble.
What this country need's right now to get back on track, and to pull us out of free fall straight to socializm or even worse - communism, and loosing our freedom in the result, is somebody like
Ted Cruz . He is unapologetic, standing up to democratic utopia, strong constitutional conservative, who will not give an inch of ground to the left when comes to his agenda: Obama Care got to GO in it's entirety - no negotiations; Border - shut down like a drum, no more illegals crossing it; IRS - got to GO!!! Flat taxes - no nego. All the "free loaders"- go to work!!! No more social programs for
lazy bums. And There is more... How can you possibly not support THAT???!!! Unless... you are not for our prosperity.
Frank, (or anybody) can you name ONE democratic agenda that actually would make sense?? Something that would not resemble communism and it's redistribution of wealth?
Tell me please! Put it on the debate! I'm really wondering, if any of you here realize, or have somd knoleage, what you are voting for, when you vote Democratic. Or... do you???.
I'm asking you this, because some of the answers from Obama voters I've seen.... well, it did not look very pretty.
Now Frank, to respond to your comment about how smart democratic voters are - no offense, but this will make look what you said very silly - I refer you to Google: "Obama voters" ( to be neutral), and pick any video. You will find it very entertaining. Than you can come back and tell me how wrong you were.