What about the wealthy oil sheiks? No envy towards them? Plus, they have a harem, Jews just have one wife. I am not sure Jews should be envied for their material possessions, since many material possessions wear out and stop functioning after the warranty expires (humor). Perhaps, they should be envied for their ability to marry out, since many Europeans just consider them fellow Europeans today? Many Jews might also be collecting nordic traits, like blond hair, and light eyes, since many have internalized a northern European criteria of beauty. That could be another thing to resent about them - they have become so white (Moses was likely a Black man).
But, your emotions will likely keep you healthy to a very old age. Enjoy.
P.S.: Don't worry, in a few hundred years Jews might just have melded in with the rest of humanity, but then people like you will need to find a new scapegoat.