Hope this works - this is Eddie.
Ooooooo. I had such a big crush on Ron Glass who played Det. Harris on Barney Miller. His arrogance and the natty way he dressed just sent me over the edge. I thought he was just the coolest, classiest thing on TV.
Ernie on My Three Sons. I always loved those egghead guys.
William Shatner as Capt. James P. Kirk. Whenever he had a romantic interest they always used a camera technique that softened the light around the female paramour. Thus giving here the eternal glow of Captain Kirks love...
Wilso, Heevan, have you ever noticed that Angie Harmon and her hubby look like they are brother and sister...
I was a goner for this TV hero in my teens.
Never seen him. I didn't even know her name 'til yesterday.
Yes, Chris from Northern Exposure! Whoo hoo! And the dark haired young man from Homefront and that show where he received newspapers from the future... don't know his name! And Chandler from friends, Jeff Corwin (Personality, personality, personality!), Bill O'Reilly (Love the way he puts people in their place!), and Tony Soprano.......... Seems like I fall in love every time I turn the TV on!
Sorry, Wilso, I fear the Giants' Jason Seahorn has first call on Angie Harmon. They had been having a rift, but I think it's all been smoothed over.
Wilso, I went looking for a picture of Sehorn on the Web, but no luck.
All this talk of a husband has kind of destroyed the fantasy!!!!!
I'm really dating myself here, but I had a crush on James Franciscus in "Mr. Novak", a TV show about a high school teacher that was on from 1963 to 1965. Around that time, most people my age had crushes on Richard Chamberlain in "Dr. Kildare", but I thought Franciscus was much cooler. Oddly enough, according to imbd (which I just looked at to jog my memory about when the series was on the air), Franciscus was the original choice to play Dr. Kildare, but had to bow out because of a scheduling conflict, which is how he ended up playing Mr. Novak instead.
Despite my avatar, I never had a crush on Desi Arnaz or (heaven forbid!) William Frawley.
Heh, I'm a sci-fi geek, so I've gotta go with Commander Charles "Trip" Tucker on Enterprise, played by Connor Trinneer.
Here's a pic:
Oh, he's nice lookin'. Haven't seen that one yet.
Picard's still the best in my book. (So far.)
I liked Ed and Chris, but I actually liked Fleischman, too. (What was it about that show, eh?)
Ashton Kuchner is cute but TOO cute. And too young. (Wilso, isn't it silly how details like age and marital status get in the way of crushes? I mean, I'm not actually in the market. Although you'd prolly have a chance at ol' Angie, from what I've heard...)
Lesse -- I'm thinkin' of movie stars, not actual TV people. Oh, Ty on Trading Spaces, but he's a cliche already. (EVERYONE's in love with him.) Does Taye Diggs count? (Guest stint on Ally McBeal.) Will keep thinking... (a nice subject to think about, all things considered...)
Soz, I had a little crush on Fleischman too. That show really did have something. Wow.... miss it.
And, yep, Picard is one sexy bald man.
I think it was the chemistry. Everyone seemed to be having fun, and there seemed to be actual sparks between Fleishmann and Maggie (for a long time, anyway), which is in short supply on sitcoms. I mean, have you seen "Good Morning Miami"? (or whatever it's called). Oy.
I don't really watch tv (except for kids programing) anymore.
Good point about the chemistry - you're right, ALL the characters seemed to really be connected. Maybe that's what Seinfeld had too....
littlek wrote:I don't really watch tv (except for kids programing) anymore.
Tell me about it...

I watched the Miami thing once or twice, though, and it was groaningly bad. (And I've actually liked the main guy in some other things I've seen -- short but cute.)
I'm just glad the tiny tots are over the teletubbies