Determinism is the idea that everything that happens
must happen, and was predetermined to happen since the beginning of the universe. It sees the universe as one giant clockwork, with God as the clock master.
This idea used to be mainstream under classic physics, until quantum mechanics proposed a probabilistic view of the universe in which the world of sub-atomic particles is ruled by a set of rather counter-intuitive laws where particles are distributed through space through a probability map, so to speak, called the wave function. This new approach was necessary to explain the strange lives of sub-atomic particles, but many people find it hard to stomach.
'Superdeterminism' is a reaction to quantum mechanics. It posits that particles only
seem to behave randomly, but are in fact 'superdetermined' by some unknown laws.
So far, each and every experiment has backed the quantum, probabilist version of this debate, however bizarre QM may seem.