Quote:Therefore, the physique of God Heavenly Father(the sky), his spirit within Lord Jesus and the holy spirit which is literally God's spirit, are relative to each other, therefore they can be joined as one.
Asside from all the hand waving about the physique (? WTF) of 'Father sky', and the double talk about naming the spirit alternately Father, being in the Son, and finally, literally God's spirit, then the 'relative' talk and then 'can be joined as one', Whew!, I guess that adds up to :
"They are all the same entity". Wouldn't it be easier and clearer just to say that?
Not that it's a big deal, I believe you understand everything God wants of you now. I see the jackals are circling to enjoy the 'cat fight' over this minor point, glad we were able to give them a good show.