Then why do not believe that Jesus is God?
It is pretty obvious that Colossians 1: 1 let's us know plainly that Jesus is the image of the invisible God. JHVH took on the form of a man so we could see Him ---Jesus is the visible image of the invisible God. They are not two --HE IS ONE! Your body is the visible image of your soul. How hard is that to figure out?
All things were created by Him (JESUS) both in the heavens and on the earth --keep in mind Genesis 1:1 says that GOD created the heavens and the earth. If you tell me that Jesus is not God then how did He create the heavens and the earth? You have stated several times that the worlds were created through Jesus --this is true --if Jesus is not God then Genesis 1: 1 is a lie.
How can you not plainly see that Jesus is GOD? Why do you insist on making God two persons? You even said that you all baptize in the name of the father, son, and the holy ghost, which makes no sense what so ever if you don't believe that the holy spirit is part of the trinity.
I have told you once and I will tell you again, I DON'T accept the Trinitarian doctrine but you do if you baptize in the titles. --If you don't baptize then you are not fulfilling the Great Commission.
The early church not only baptized in the NAME of JESUS but they all received the Holy Ghost as well. Why do the JWs not obey the WORD of GOD? Why do you not believe in the only way of salvation? It is all in the Book of Acts. Read it. Any casual observer can tell that according to the historical account of the Book of Acts, the early church baptized in the Name of Jesus and received the Holy Ghost speaking in other tongues as God gave the utterance. How is it that you all disregard this part of the Bible totally?
There is only ONE name in the Godhead and that is JESUS--He is the fulfillment of the law and the name of JHVH revealed. JHVH is our salvation.
The Jews would not even utter His name for fear of death. The name Jehovah that you (and the JWs) use as God's name came from the name that God gave Moses --that "I AM" sent you. Jesus said Himself, before Abraham was, "I AM." John 8:48 Jesus claimed to be God and HIS NAME IS JESUS.